Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It is NOT About a Jolly Old Man in Red, Crowded Malls, & Maxed Out Credit Cards

By John W. Lillpop

Progressives who continue to work for the total secularization of Christmas fail to accept the true meaning of the most cherished religious holiday in western culture.

Christmas is celebrated to herald the birth of Jesus Christ and the subsequent spread of the Gospel, which has gifted all of humanity with a new morality, the concept of individual freedom, and the belief that human equality is a gift from God.

America's Declaration of Independence confirms that truth with the words, " As we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights."

Dinesh D’Souza, author of, What’s So Great About Christianity, delivered a powerful speech titled, Created Equal How Christianity Shaped the West, September 16, 2008, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Colorado Springs.

In his speech, D’Souza states that, "Christianity is largely responsible for many of the principles and institutions that even secular people relish--chief among them equality and liberty."

For a scholarly reflection on the real meaning of Christmas, read the D'Souza speech at the link below.+

And Merry Christmas!

+Reference Link


Friday, December 19, 2008

Rod Blagojevich Dumps Lump of Coal in Obama's Stocking

By John W. Lillpop

Illinois politicians, and especially President-elect Obama, were hoping that embattled Governor Rod Blagojevich would go quietly into the night, taking his countless "F" bombs and wiretapped "pay to play" call list with him.

Just a week ago, it seemed highly likely that Blagojevich would spend Christmas strapped to a guerney in a psychiatric ward, in jail, or at home with his family after abruptly yielding to heavy demands that he resign.

Those hopes were dashed when the Illinois Supreme Court refused to unplug this foul-mouthed bag of unruly hair, and the impeachment process stalled somewhat in the Illinois legislature.

That left Team Obama clinging to the faint hope that Blagojevich would act with the overall best interests of the people of Illinois in mind, rather than giving in to his own selfish self-interests. They were praying that Blagojevich would play the R card--resign--and quickly.

Instead of just going away, however, the raunchy Democrat declared himself innocent of wrong doing and vowed to "fight, fight, fight!" until his last breath, which could not come any too soon for Team Obama and embarrassed Democrats everywhere.

As reported at CBS2chicago.com, Blagojevich held a press conference on which in which he gladly assumed the role of abused child and helpless victim when he said: (1)

"I'm here to tell you right off the bat that I am not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing, that I intend to stay on the job, and I will fight this thing every step of the way. I will fight, I will fight, I will fight until I take my last breath," Blagojevich said. "I have done nothing wrong."

That is unwelcome news for Obama because it means that the Deification of Barack Obama, scheduled to last from December 20 to January 20, is going to have to share BREAKING NEWS headlines with Blago-gate for the foreseeable future.

Instead of answering questions about the economy, Obama is going to be pressed for more information about Rahm Emanuel and his contacts with Blagojevich about filling Obama's vacated Senate seat.

Rather than explaining how he intends to bring socialized medicine to America, Obama will spend his time trying to convince a skeptical media that he barely knew Blagojevich, and would be unable to correctly identify the governor in a police line up.

All in all, Blagojevich has left a huge lump of smoldering coal in Obama's Christmas stocking while giving Republicans a minor cause to celebrate.

Reference: (1)


"Buyers Remorse" Haunts Obama

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama's position on same-sex marriage is, and has always been, crystal clear: He believes that marriage should be limited to one man and woman.

That has been his public position from the start of the presidential campaign.

Why, then, did gays vote so overwhelmingly for the man whose position is the antithesis of their own?

How odd that gay activists are surprised and even angered that the president to be has chosen Pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration.

After all, Obama believes that marriage should be limited to one man and one woman, a position also held by Pastor Rick Warren.

A question for the gay community: Surely you knew that Barack Obama was opposed to same-sex marriage before you pulled the lever and voted for him!

What justifies anger when the man you voted for selects a pastor whom shares, at least partially, his own views on same-sex marriage?

Besides, Pastor Warren's role is limited to delivering the opening prayer. It is not as though he will have a cabinet level position to advise Obama on same-sex marriage policy.

Warren's "role" is to simply open the inauguration with a prayer, and get off the podium as quickly as possible.

Gay activists need to accept the fact that many people, including the President-elect, do not agree with them that gay marriage is on a par with the civil rights struggle experienced by African-Americans.

They also need to understand that while their issues are important, gay marriage is not the single most important issue facing this nation and the majority of Americans.

How odd that those who shrill the loudest for tolerance seem the least tolerant.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

He Whose Name We Dare Not Speak at X-MAS

By John W. Lillpop

Back in the good old days, the first inkling of the "Christmas Spirit” usually found its way into in one's conscious awareness on or around Thanksgiving.

Back then, having the Christmas Spirit meant that one was spiritually ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, openly and without fear of offending anyone.

Back then, the birth of Jesus Christ was celebrated in parks, schools, churches, police stations, fire houses, court houses, shopping centers, gasoline stations, post offices, banks, airports, train stations, newspapers, magazines, television shows, restaurants, movie theaters, libraries, radio broadcasts, work places, homes, sports stadiums, and other public and private venues.

Back then, innocent pups that we were, it never occurred to anyone in his or her right mind that the act of publicly celebrating Christmas might be a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Back then, we unknowingly engaged in vicious acts of religious hated by going door-to-door to sing Christmas carols for shut-ins and complete strangers.

Back then, religious insensitivity drove overly zealous fundamentalists to display Christmas trees, exchange Christmas gifts, and shout Merry Christmas! without giving proper thought to the possibility that such happy thoughts could offend those with religious backgrounds different from the vast majority of Americans.

How about Happy Holidays, or Merry X-MAS, back then? Not on your bloody pagan life!

Just when did America's traditional observance of Christmas fall into the clutches of godless progressive wonks?

Namely, when did:

*Public Nativity scenes become violations of non-existent mandates in the U.S. Constitution for the separation of church and state?

*Christmas trees become symbols of religious intolerance?

*Christmas carols become more offensive than profanity-laced, women hating rap?

*Halloween, a holiday for celebrating death, usurp Christmas, a holiday for rejoicing in the promise of eternal life?

In summary, when did pandering to the demands of the minority become more important than preserving the traditions and culture of the overwhelming majority?

For some time now, liberals have been working through the ACLU, activist judges, and the biased mainstream media to remove Jesus Christ as the focal point of Christmas.

To liberals, Jesus is, “He Whose Name We Dare Not Speak.”

However, people of faith can defeat the anti-Christian liberal agenda attempt by remembering the real meaning of the holiday, and by letting our hearts be blessed with the Good News of the gospels.

Accordingly, from the House of Lillpop, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Smatterings of a Republican Renaissance?

By John W. Lillpop

Republicans took a real thumping on November 4, which inspired left wing pundits and Democrats to dance with glee on the grave of the Grand Old Party. Republicanism as we knew it was dead, kaput, done, according to those who wish it were so.

However, on the way to the morgue for embalming, the remains of the GOP showed signs of life from the states of Georgia, Louisiana, and Minnesota.

In Georgia, incumbent Saxby Chambliss trounced his Democrat opponent in a runoff, a victory that put to death Harry Reid's silly fantasy about a super-majority in the U.S. Senate.

In Minnesota, incumbent Republican Norm Coleman appeared to stretch his lead over the Democrat Al Franken as the recount process ended. Now state officials have to deal with thousands of "contested" ballots. At this point, it looks as though Republicans may hold on to another seat in the U.S. Senate, despite the blue tsunami that America experienced on November 4.

Big news, too, from the great state of Louisiana where, at last, voters have acted responsibly by sending indicted Democratic U.S. Rep. William Jefferson to the unemployment line. The fact that this man was still able to be mount a competitive campaign is nothing short of blasphemy against the democratic process.

Even more distressing: The fact that Rep. Jefferson has been able to serve in the U.S. House even after being indicted proves that Speaker Pelosi's "Culture of Corruption" applies only to Republican white males. Corrupt Democrats, especially people of color named Rangel and Jefferson, are not included in Pelosi's judgmental juggernaut.

From the source linked below ***, this report of another GOP win in Louisiana: "In the 2nd Congressional District, which includes most of New Orleans, Republican attorney Anh "Joseph" Cao won 50 percent of the vote to Jefferson's 47 percent and will become the first Vietnamese-American in Congress. His only previous political experience was an unsuccessful 2007 bid for a seat in the state legislature. "

All of which means that since Barack Obama was elected as America's first illegal alien president, Republicans have won all subsequent challenges, with the exception of Alaska's Ted Stevens whose conviction just before the election did not help.

Has the Republican renaissance started in earnest?

One can certainly hope so.



Wednesday, December 3, 2008

From Riches to Rags in 10 Months: Plaxico Burress & Wall Street

By John W. Lillpop

2008 has been a year of spectacular ups and down for Plaxico Burress, a professional football star. His journey from riches to rags is amazingly similar to that experienced by professionals who play with other people's money in the game of life on Wall Street.

The personal high for Plaxico Burress came at Super Bowl XLII on February 3, 2008. That game between the New York Giants and New England Patriots was the most-watched Super Bowl of all time, with an average of 148.3 million total viewers throughout the world watching some part of the game

It was also the second most-watched TV program of all time in the United States.

Plaxico Burress made headlines when he caught the winning touchdown pass in the end zone with just 35 seconds remaining to give the New York Giants a thrilling upset victory, 17-14.

The New York Giants were the improbable champions of Super Bowl XLII and Burress was a hero.

On the last business day before the Super Bowl and Burress' magnificent catch, the Dow Jones Industrial average closed at 13, 265.

The next big event for Plaxico Burress came on April 30, 2008 when he and the World Champion New York Giants were hosted at the White House by President George W. Bush in honor of their stupendous victory in Super Bowl XLII.

Plaxico Burress's unbelievable high of February 3 began to unravel in May when the star decided that he was being underpaid with his $3.25 salary for 2008.

Difficulties continued to hound Burress in September and October when he was suspended for violation of team rules and fined $45,000 by the National Football League.

It all came crashing down with great finality on November 28 when Burress shot himself in the right thigh while relaxing in a New York City nightclub. His injury was not life threatening and he was released from the hospital on November 29.

On Monday, December 1, Burress turned himself in to New York police to face charges of criminal possession of a handgun.

His cause was not helped by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who demanded that Burress be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Burress had an expired license for the firearm from Florida, but no New York license. Unlawful carrying of a handgun carries a minimum three and a half-year jail sentence.

Mayor Bloomberg must have simply forgotten the catch that Burress made in February to bring the Super Bowl championship to New York City.

On December 2, Burress posted bail of $100,000.

Later in the day, he was suspended by the New York Giants for conduct detrimental to the team, which means that Burress will not be paid for the remainder of the season.

In just ten short months, Burress managed to go from Super Bowl hero to the ranks of the unemployed while facing a felony charge for damn near blowing his own leg off with a hand gun.

For Plaxico Burress, the worse may be yet to come: His foolish gunplay could cost him 3.5 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the Down Jones Industrial Average on Wall Street has plunged from 13,265 on February 1, the Friday before Super Bowl XLII, to 8,419 at the close of business on December 2.

Pity that while Plaxico Burress faces a possible prison sentence for foolish behavior resulting in great harm to himself, the characters on Wall Street, whose foolishness has harmed millions of innocent Americans, continue to be beneficiaries of a government gone barking mad with bail out fever.