Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It is NOT About a Jolly Old Man in Red, Crowded Malls, & Maxed Out Credit Cards

By John W. Lillpop

Progressives who continue to work for the total secularization of Christmas fail to accept the true meaning of the most cherished religious holiday in western culture.

Christmas is celebrated to herald the birth of Jesus Christ and the subsequent spread of the Gospel, which has gifted all of humanity with a new morality, the concept of individual freedom, and the belief that human equality is a gift from God.

America's Declaration of Independence confirms that truth with the words, " As we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights."

Dinesh D’Souza, author of, What’s So Great About Christianity, delivered a powerful speech titled, Created Equal How Christianity Shaped the West, September 16, 2008, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Colorado Springs.

In his speech, D’Souza states that, "Christianity is largely responsible for many of the principles and institutions that even secular people relish--chief among them equality and liberty."

For a scholarly reflection on the real meaning of Christmas, read the D'Souza speech at the link below.+

And Merry Christmas!

+Reference Link


Friday, December 19, 2008

Rod Blagojevich Dumps Lump of Coal in Obama's Stocking

By John W. Lillpop

Illinois politicians, and especially President-elect Obama, were hoping that embattled Governor Rod Blagojevich would go quietly into the night, taking his countless "F" bombs and wiretapped "pay to play" call list with him.

Just a week ago, it seemed highly likely that Blagojevich would spend Christmas strapped to a guerney in a psychiatric ward, in jail, or at home with his family after abruptly yielding to heavy demands that he resign.

Those hopes were dashed when the Illinois Supreme Court refused to unplug this foul-mouthed bag of unruly hair, and the impeachment process stalled somewhat in the Illinois legislature.

That left Team Obama clinging to the faint hope that Blagojevich would act with the overall best interests of the people of Illinois in mind, rather than giving in to his own selfish self-interests. They were praying that Blagojevich would play the R card--resign--and quickly.

Instead of just going away, however, the raunchy Democrat declared himself innocent of wrong doing and vowed to "fight, fight, fight!" until his last breath, which could not come any too soon for Team Obama and embarrassed Democrats everywhere.

As reported at CBS2chicago.com, Blagojevich held a press conference on which in which he gladly assumed the role of abused child and helpless victim when he said: (1)

"I'm here to tell you right off the bat that I am not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing, that I intend to stay on the job, and I will fight this thing every step of the way. I will fight, I will fight, I will fight until I take my last breath," Blagojevich said. "I have done nothing wrong."

That is unwelcome news for Obama because it means that the Deification of Barack Obama, scheduled to last from December 20 to January 20, is going to have to share BREAKING NEWS headlines with Blago-gate for the foreseeable future.

Instead of answering questions about the economy, Obama is going to be pressed for more information about Rahm Emanuel and his contacts with Blagojevich about filling Obama's vacated Senate seat.

Rather than explaining how he intends to bring socialized medicine to America, Obama will spend his time trying to convince a skeptical media that he barely knew Blagojevich, and would be unable to correctly identify the governor in a police line up.

All in all, Blagojevich has left a huge lump of smoldering coal in Obama's Christmas stocking while giving Republicans a minor cause to celebrate.

Reference: (1)


"Buyers Remorse" Haunts Obama

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama's position on same-sex marriage is, and has always been, crystal clear: He believes that marriage should be limited to one man and woman.

That has been his public position from the start of the presidential campaign.

Why, then, did gays vote so overwhelmingly for the man whose position is the antithesis of their own?

How odd that gay activists are surprised and even angered that the president to be has chosen Pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration.

After all, Obama believes that marriage should be limited to one man and one woman, a position also held by Pastor Rick Warren.

A question for the gay community: Surely you knew that Barack Obama was opposed to same-sex marriage before you pulled the lever and voted for him!

What justifies anger when the man you voted for selects a pastor whom shares, at least partially, his own views on same-sex marriage?

Besides, Pastor Warren's role is limited to delivering the opening prayer. It is not as though he will have a cabinet level position to advise Obama on same-sex marriage policy.

Warren's "role" is to simply open the inauguration with a prayer, and get off the podium as quickly as possible.

Gay activists need to accept the fact that many people, including the President-elect, do not agree with them that gay marriage is on a par with the civil rights struggle experienced by African-Americans.

They also need to understand that while their issues are important, gay marriage is not the single most important issue facing this nation and the majority of Americans.

How odd that those who shrill the loudest for tolerance seem the least tolerant.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

He Whose Name We Dare Not Speak at X-MAS

By John W. Lillpop

Back in the good old days, the first inkling of the "Christmas Spirit” usually found its way into in one's conscious awareness on or around Thanksgiving.

Back then, having the Christmas Spirit meant that one was spiritually ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, openly and without fear of offending anyone.

Back then, the birth of Jesus Christ was celebrated in parks, schools, churches, police stations, fire houses, court houses, shopping centers, gasoline stations, post offices, banks, airports, train stations, newspapers, magazines, television shows, restaurants, movie theaters, libraries, radio broadcasts, work places, homes, sports stadiums, and other public and private venues.

Back then, innocent pups that we were, it never occurred to anyone in his or her right mind that the act of publicly celebrating Christmas might be a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Back then, we unknowingly engaged in vicious acts of religious hated by going door-to-door to sing Christmas carols for shut-ins and complete strangers.

Back then, religious insensitivity drove overly zealous fundamentalists to display Christmas trees, exchange Christmas gifts, and shout Merry Christmas! without giving proper thought to the possibility that such happy thoughts could offend those with religious backgrounds different from the vast majority of Americans.

How about Happy Holidays, or Merry X-MAS, back then? Not on your bloody pagan life!

Just when did America's traditional observance of Christmas fall into the clutches of godless progressive wonks?

Namely, when did:

*Public Nativity scenes become violations of non-existent mandates in the U.S. Constitution for the separation of church and state?

*Christmas trees become symbols of religious intolerance?

*Christmas carols become more offensive than profanity-laced, women hating rap?

*Halloween, a holiday for celebrating death, usurp Christmas, a holiday for rejoicing in the promise of eternal life?

In summary, when did pandering to the demands of the minority become more important than preserving the traditions and culture of the overwhelming majority?

For some time now, liberals have been working through the ACLU, activist judges, and the biased mainstream media to remove Jesus Christ as the focal point of Christmas.

To liberals, Jesus is, “He Whose Name We Dare Not Speak.”

However, people of faith can defeat the anti-Christian liberal agenda attempt by remembering the real meaning of the holiday, and by letting our hearts be blessed with the Good News of the gospels.

Accordingly, from the House of Lillpop, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Smatterings of a Republican Renaissance?

By John W. Lillpop

Republicans took a real thumping on November 4, which inspired left wing pundits and Democrats to dance with glee on the grave of the Grand Old Party. Republicanism as we knew it was dead, kaput, done, according to those who wish it were so.

However, on the way to the morgue for embalming, the remains of the GOP showed signs of life from the states of Georgia, Louisiana, and Minnesota.

In Georgia, incumbent Saxby Chambliss trounced his Democrat opponent in a runoff, a victory that put to death Harry Reid's silly fantasy about a super-majority in the U.S. Senate.

In Minnesota, incumbent Republican Norm Coleman appeared to stretch his lead over the Democrat Al Franken as the recount process ended. Now state officials have to deal with thousands of "contested" ballots. At this point, it looks as though Republicans may hold on to another seat in the U.S. Senate, despite the blue tsunami that America experienced on November 4.

Big news, too, from the great state of Louisiana where, at last, voters have acted responsibly by sending indicted Democratic U.S. Rep. William Jefferson to the unemployment line. The fact that this man was still able to be mount a competitive campaign is nothing short of blasphemy against the democratic process.

Even more distressing: The fact that Rep. Jefferson has been able to serve in the U.S. House even after being indicted proves that Speaker Pelosi's "Culture of Corruption" applies only to Republican white males. Corrupt Democrats, especially people of color named Rangel and Jefferson, are not included in Pelosi's judgmental juggernaut.

From the source linked below ***, this report of another GOP win in Louisiana: "In the 2nd Congressional District, which includes most of New Orleans, Republican attorney Anh "Joseph" Cao won 50 percent of the vote to Jefferson's 47 percent and will become the first Vietnamese-American in Congress. His only previous political experience was an unsuccessful 2007 bid for a seat in the state legislature. "

All of which means that since Barack Obama was elected as America's first illegal alien president, Republicans have won all subsequent challenges, with the exception of Alaska's Ted Stevens whose conviction just before the election did not help.

Has the Republican renaissance started in earnest?

One can certainly hope so.



Wednesday, December 3, 2008

From Riches to Rags in 10 Months: Plaxico Burress & Wall Street

By John W. Lillpop

2008 has been a year of spectacular ups and down for Plaxico Burress, a professional football star. His journey from riches to rags is amazingly similar to that experienced by professionals who play with other people's money in the game of life on Wall Street.

The personal high for Plaxico Burress came at Super Bowl XLII on February 3, 2008. That game between the New York Giants and New England Patriots was the most-watched Super Bowl of all time, with an average of 148.3 million total viewers throughout the world watching some part of the game

It was also the second most-watched TV program of all time in the United States.

Plaxico Burress made headlines when he caught the winning touchdown pass in the end zone with just 35 seconds remaining to give the New York Giants a thrilling upset victory, 17-14.

The New York Giants were the improbable champions of Super Bowl XLII and Burress was a hero.

On the last business day before the Super Bowl and Burress' magnificent catch, the Dow Jones Industrial average closed at 13, 265.

The next big event for Plaxico Burress came on April 30, 2008 when he and the World Champion New York Giants were hosted at the White House by President George W. Bush in honor of their stupendous victory in Super Bowl XLII.

Plaxico Burress's unbelievable high of February 3 began to unravel in May when the star decided that he was being underpaid with his $3.25 salary for 2008.

Difficulties continued to hound Burress in September and October when he was suspended for violation of team rules and fined $45,000 by the National Football League.

It all came crashing down with great finality on November 28 when Burress shot himself in the right thigh while relaxing in a New York City nightclub. His injury was not life threatening and he was released from the hospital on November 29.

On Monday, December 1, Burress turned himself in to New York police to face charges of criminal possession of a handgun.

His cause was not helped by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who demanded that Burress be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Burress had an expired license for the firearm from Florida, but no New York license. Unlawful carrying of a handgun carries a minimum three and a half-year jail sentence.

Mayor Bloomberg must have simply forgotten the catch that Burress made in February to bring the Super Bowl championship to New York City.

On December 2, Burress posted bail of $100,000.

Later in the day, he was suspended by the New York Giants for conduct detrimental to the team, which means that Burress will not be paid for the remainder of the season.

In just ten short months, Burress managed to go from Super Bowl hero to the ranks of the unemployed while facing a felony charge for damn near blowing his own leg off with a hand gun.

For Plaxico Burress, the worse may be yet to come: His foolish gunplay could cost him 3.5 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the Down Jones Industrial Average on Wall Street has plunged from 13,265 on February 1, the Friday before Super Bowl XLII, to 8,419 at the close of business on December 2.

Pity that while Plaxico Burress faces a possible prison sentence for foolish behavior resulting in great harm to himself, the characters on Wall Street, whose foolishness has harmed millions of innocent Americans, continue to be beneficiaries of a government gone barking mad with bail out fever.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Why Is Barack Obama Dissing Bill Richardson?

By John W. Lillpop

When the Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton wars were at their greatest ferocity last spring, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson took a calculated risk and endorsed Obama.

Richardson's endorsement rankled plenty of Clintonistas because of his prior service in the Clinton administration, and alleged close personal ties to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

At the time, Richardson stated his belief that Obama represented the best chance for the Democrat Party to regain control of the White House.

That explanation served only to further enrage the Clintons and ignite a fume that still burns non-stop.

Turns out that Richardson's hunch was right. Barack Obama, with an assist from George W. Bush and Henry Paulson, was an easy winner on November 4.

That would seem to place Richardson in an excellent position to cherry pick a prestigious gig in the new administration, right?

Like Secretary of State or other highly coveted cabinet position.

Instead, Obama appears ready to plop Richardson into the Commerce Secretary's office, a decent position for sure, but nothing compared to Secretary of State.

Even more distressing for Richardson, Obama has decided to invite Hillary Rodham Clinton to his cabinet, as-- Secretary of State!

How's that for playing fair and rewarding one's supporters?

Last July, remember, Hillary Clinton was warning that Obama was an inexperienced junior senator with no real accomplishments to his credit. She even warned that the young man might fall victim to assassination, a not-too-subtle reminder of the fact that the Clintons will do damn near anything to win.

Even after all of that, Obama picks Hillary Clinton over Bill Richardson for Secretary of State?

What is going on here?

Is the CHANGE fanatic discriminating against a plump brown male just to pamper to an over the hill, over 60, white feminist?


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Is "Black Friday" Racist?

By John W. Lillpop

Last July, Dallas County commissioners discussing traffic ticket collections were jolted when Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, used the term "back hole" to describe the recurring problem of lost paperwork.

Mayfield's statement was immediately challenged by Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black. Price belted out a loud "Excuse me!" and proceeded to upbraid Mayfield by saying that the problem of lost paperwork was the unwelcome byproduct of a "white hole."

That caused Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.***

This dust up provided a keen insight to the precarious state of race relations in America and the obvious need for change.

Which is why Barack Obama, although the least qualified for the presidency of all candidates in decades, may bring healing to America in the area of race relations.

Until Obama takes over in January, Americans will have to wing it, I suppose.

What to do, then, about the day after Thanksgiving? This Friday, famous for being the start of the Christmas shopping season,is known far and wide as "black Friday."

Is that a racist term?

What of black sheep, black clouds, black box, black humor, black Monday, black magic, and black helicopters?

Indian summers, Mexican stand-offs, and white washes?

All to be stricken from the vocabulary of those who practice PC speech for fear of being of being regarded as racist?

I say to heck with it all.

Let the whiners and weasels debate the issue all they want. Just don't get in my way when I have that $300 lap top in my sights on Black Friday, mate!



Nothing to be Thankful For?

By John W. Lillpop

Woe unto me! All is lost, there is nothing to be thankful for this year!

Is that the lament falling from your own cranberry blasted lips this holiday?

Listen up, buster and bustess! There is plenty to be thankful for, if you are willing to look hard enough.

My attitude of gratitude includes joy for the following:

1. In less than 60 days, George W. Bush will be powerless, out of the White House, and relegated to the streets of Crawford.

2. W's legacy of endless wars, open borders, economic depression, and Barack Obama is most unlikely to be replicated during the lifetime of anyone now breathing.

3. Hillary Rodham Clinton is not president.

4. The most extreme "change" coming from Barack Obama so far is his change of mind concerning change!

5. This reporter has not lost a personal fortune during the meltdown. How can one lose something one has never had?

6. Mexicans here illegally are returning home for food, shelter, education, and health care.

7. Unable to accommodate the flow of Mexican illegal aliens from America, the Mexican government is near collapse, proving the old adage that "What goes around, comes around!"

8. Once considered a luxury, gasoline can now be bought for under $2 a gallon. Terrific for those who still have jobs to drive to.

9. America is free from national elections until 2010.

10. Henry Paulson has no twin and is incapable of reproducing.

See? Just by opening one's mind to the presence of positive Karma, there is plenty to be thankful for.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Michael Jackson a Muslim? Who Would Have Thunk?

By John W. Lillpop

Ladies and gentlemen, the King of Pop: Mikaeel Jackson!

Mikaeel? What is this, a cruel, sick joke?

Not really. You see the irrepressible Jackson converted to the Muslim faith and took on the new moniker in a private ceremony in Los Angeles recently.

What on earth could have motivated this one time devoted member of Jehovah's Witness to switch?

For one thing, Jehovah's believe that only 144,000 faithful will make it to heaven. Mikaeel is not dumb, so he realizes that all those late night rumblings with five and six year old boys at his ranch might disqualify him from being among the 144,000 most holy since Adam and Eve took up residency in that lovely garden.

For another thing, the king was piqued at fellow Witness and musical star Prince for slamming gays and gay marriage.

Which is not to be interpreted as saying anything about Mikaeel's own sexuality--but honestly, now, how many 45 year old single men invite young boys to sleep overnight?

Get real, dude!

Finally, the 50-year-old with the bleached face was facing allegations of failing to repay nearly $15 million to Arab Sheikh Abdulla Al-Kalifa.

What better way to co-opt a Jihadist than by becoming one yourself?

Hell's bells, for $15 million, I would gladly change my name to Johkaeel Al-Poplill, bow eastward five times a day, read the Koran once a week, and take on three or four wives!

So, I can readily understand what motivated Mikaeel.

What I cannot fathom is why Islam would accept such an odd little weasel into their fold?

Stocks Surge! Obama-nomics at Work?

By John W. Lillpop

At the close of business on November 20, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) stood at 7,552 after another dreary session.

At 11 AM on November 25, the DJIA was 8,505. In just three trading sessions, Wall Street has rallied for over 1,000 points!

What produced this remarkable turn around and does this mean that the depression is over?

Several factors seem to have converged over the past several days to give Wall Street traders a reason to buy back into the market:***

*Obama's Epiphany on Taxes

Obama has all but declared his plans to tax the rich as dead, at least for the foreseeable future. Wall Street does not like higher taxes. (Other than liberals, who does?)

*Economic Team Announced

In announcing that Timothy Geithner will be his Treasury Secretary and that well-respected Larry Summers will also be on his economic team, Obama sent a signal to Wall Street that he intends to put the best minds possible to work on the economy, despite ideological burps. Larry Summers' innocent comments about women while at Harvard and the petty reaction by feminists were ignored in order to apply Summers' skills and expertise to the task at hand.

*More Bail Out Fever

The Sunday night massacre of U.S. taxpayers by the Bush administration continued as Henry Paulson and his cohorts threw an additional $20 billion at Citigroup. That bail out/massacre caused Wall Street to rally on Monday as one of their own was saved at the expense of the unwashed masses (taxpayers).

*Plans for Credit Cards, Auto Loans, Student Loans

Uncle Sam announced that he is working on a program to aid companies that issue credit cards and make auto and student loans. More good news for Wall Street although the average taxpayer will probably get soaked once again.

The bottom line: No tax increases, good people on Obama's economic team, and more government bailouts have driven the market to a 1,000-point gain in three sessions.

Will the trend last and continue? We will find out sooner rather than later!



Friday, November 21, 2008

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Under Obama?

By John W. Lillpop

President-elect Barack Obama has produced yet another dramatic "first" for the history books: He is the first African-American president to weasel on a campaign promise before even being sworn in!

At issue is the long-standing Pentagon ban on open homosexuals in the military. During the presidential campaign, Obama promised to reverse the "explosive" policy if elected.

Another item for the CHANGE WE NEED category, or so it seemed.

Now that Obama has been elected and is in a position to actually implement change, certain of those campaign promises are being reviewed carefully and subjected to CHANGE themselves!

With respect to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," advisors to the President-elect have indicated that CHANGE, whatever it's final form, will not be advanced for months and perhaps not until 2010, according to the Washington Times story linked below.*

Although repealing the ban is still on the CHANGE agenda, "Mr. Obama first wants to confer with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his new political appointees at the Pentagon to reach a consensus and then present legislation to Congress."

Consult with the Joint Chiefs of Staff? What the Hades do those military fanatics know about discrimination and civil rights, from a gay perspective?

What if the Joint Chiefs of Staff tell the new commander-in-chief, in no uncertain terms, that trashing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is an awful idea?

Then what?

Chalk it up to inexperience and promise to do better in 2012?


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tyranny of the Majority, or Anarchy of the Minority?

By John W. Lillpop

In 2000, 4,618,673 Californians voted for Prop. 22, which defined marriage as being exclusive to couples, comprised of one man and one woman.

In May of 2008, the California Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, declared Proposition 22 invalid and paved the way for same-sex marriage.

In effect, then, one Supreme Court justice (net) was able to trash the will of 4,618,673 people in order to benefit a small minority.

On November 4, 2008, 5,977,457 Californians voted for Prop. 8, which again defined marriage as a one man, one-woman arrangement in the state Constitution.

To date, then, 10,596, 130 Californians have voted in free and democratic elections to preserve marriage as it has been traditionally observed in most civilized societies for hundreds of centuries.

However, the will of the people is apparently meaningless to politicians like Governor Swarzanneger who said the following, in part, about Proposition 8, "We will undo that, if the court is willing to do that, and then move forward." **

The governor was joined by Democratic members of the California state assembly in demanding that the Supreme Court invalidate Proposition 8, again deliberately sabotaging the will of the people

Which begs the obvious question: Why even hold elections to begin with if the votes will be discarded if power elitists disagree with the results?

Many opponents of Prop 8 cite the fact that opposition to same-sex marriage is based on religious views and beliefs.

So what?

Why should the state be empowered, through the courts or politicians, to render traditional religious values unimportant or irrelevant? Or morally wrong?

Why should one's belief in God and the Holy Bible make that person's vote less vital to the democratic process?

Where in the hell is the much-heralded separation of church and state in these matters?

What about the right of the faithful to live their lives in accordance with the values and traditions common to their heritage and culture?

Clearly, when it comes to gay marriage, the most dangerous threat to freedom and liberty comes not from the tyranny of the majority, but rather from the well-financed, politically connected, and minuscule minority that does not give a damn about democracy and the will of the people.

Source: **


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Enamored with Change, Senate Democrats Turn to Youth

Satire By John W. Lillpop

In keeping with the spirit of change that has overwhelmed Washington, D.C. since Tuesday last, Democrats in the U.S. Senate have started the process of pruning out old prunes to make room for fresh blood and new ideas.

Majority Leader Harry Reid launched the first wave of "Youthenaza" by announcing that 91-year old Robert C. Byrd (D-West Virginia) has resigned his chairmanship of the Senate Appropriations Committee, effective with the swearing in of the 111th Congress in January.

In a daring move to empower youth irrespective of the inherent risks, Reid also announced that Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) would replace Byrd as Chair of Appropriations.

At 84, Inouye can expected to advocate with ferocity on issues that matter most to America's youth, such as Social Security, Medicare, expanded prescription drug coverage, and government paid day care for grandparents.

The move has other advantages: Senator Byrd has been in Congress for 56 years, whereas newcomer Senator Inouye has barely had enough time to learn the whereabouts of the Senate bathroom during his 45 years in town.

Now that is change with a capital C!

In resigning his post, Senator Byrd waxed religious by saying, "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.”

“Those Biblical words from Ecclesiastes 3:1 express my feelings about this particular time in my life," Byrd said.

In his younger days, Byrd (KKK) was not quite so temperate.

For instance, when Byrd was 28 years old, he wrote about the 1945 racial integration of the military to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo:

"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Spoken like a true Democrat, Senator!

By the way, Senator Byrd, the fact that America has just elected a "Negro" to the presidency has nothing whatsoever to do with your resignation, correct?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Osama Bin Laden Working on Another 9/11: Is Barack Hussein Obama Even Listening?

By John W. Lillpop

According to an Arab Newspaper in London,
Osama bin Laden is planning an attack against the United States that will "outdo by far" September 11. **

So, what exactly is America's President-elect planning in the way of a deterrence?

To begin with, the Obama administration will move to shut down Guantanamo Bay as soon as possible.

Should things work out as the new president has planned, terrorists from Guantanamo should be released just in time to join Al-Quaeda in new terrorist attacks within the United States.

Of course American intelligence will no longer know for certain what Al-Quaeda is up to, because under Obama U.S. intelligence agencies will be prohibited from eavesdropping on telephone conversations between potential terrorists and their counterparts in America.

In addition, the Democrats will surely work to gut the Patriot Act to make sure that America is completely vulnerable to terrorism.

Finally, Barney Frank and the Obama administration will work diligently to cut defense spending by at least 25 percent in order to fund programs needed to educate, house, and provide medical care for illegal aliens from Mexico.

If Osama bin Laden had even a lick of good sense, he would call off any attack until the Obama administration and the Democrat Congress have been in office for a couple of months.

With Obama and the Democrats in power, America can be expected to self-destruct in short order, obviating the need for any additional terrorist attacks.

Is Barack Obama even listening?

** Source:


Friday, November 7, 2008

Come Caucus With the "Big Tent" Party, Joe!

By John Kakistos Lillpop

With a truly righteous wind at his back, Senator Joe Lieberman (C-I) is reportedly in negotiations with Republican leaders about caucusing with the GOP.

Should that come to pass, Lieberman will have made the remarkable transition from being the vice presidential nominee of the anti-war party in 2000, to being an enlightened caucus affiliate of the only party committed to winning the war on terror.

Lieberman's pending spiritual and intellectual rebirth comes after being quashed like an unwelcome rodent by Majority Leader Harry Reid, still fuming about Lieberman's audacity in endorsing John McCain for president.

That, and the fact that Lieberman was exactly right about Iraq while Reid was foolishly calling the war "lost," even as young men and women were being sent into harm's way as part of the surge that eventually proved successful.

"How dare Lieberman think independently?" Reid must be asking himself.

"Is he unaware of the fact realize that the Democrat party is the party of 'diversity,' and, as such, we will not tolerate snotty Jews who threaten party unity?"

Senator Lieberman, you are on the right side of this debate.

Should you ultimately elect to caucus with the Republicans, rest assured that, in just two short years, your affiliation should make you a part of the Senate majority once again!

Welcome back to America!

Why Blame Mormons for Prop. 8? What About Obama, NAACP, La Raza?

By John Kakistos Lillpop

According to the Los Angeles Times, thousands of angry protesters gathered outside a Mormon Temple in Los Angeles to vent their rage over passage of Proposition 8.

Surprisingly, there were no reports of similar protests at the offices of Barack Obama, the NAACP, or La Raza.


After all, Obama has said that he opposes gay marriage. Yes, he spoke out against Prop. 8 with the politically correct excuse that it "was unnecessary."

However, those parsed, weasel words do not change a vital fact that gay activists refuse to face:

The most liberal candidate ever elected to the presidency opposes same sex-marriage!

Apparently the "civil rights" argument does not wash with America's first African-American president-elect.

In addition, 70 percent of African-Americans voted for Prop, 8 and a majority of Latinos did the same.

Why are angry gay activists not camped out at headquarters for the NAACP and La Raza?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama Supporters Doomed Gay Marriage in California

By John Kakistos Lillpop

Gay activists who lament the passage of the California measure (Prop. 8) that bans gay marriage are quick to label those who voted for the measure narrow minded bigots, homophobes, and right-wing religious fanatics.

Such activists accuse opponents of same-sex marriage as being intent on denying equality and civil rights to gays and lesbians.

However, in American society there is no demographic that has suffered greater discrimination and denial of civil rights than African- Americans; no demographic has a better understanding of the pain and suffering that discrimination inflicts on its victims.

That being said, one would expect the "civil rights" argument advanced by proponents of gay marriage to resonate particularly well among African-American voters.

Yet, 70 percent of the African-Americans who voted on November 4 voted for Proposition 8. That same demographic also voted even more overwhelmingly for Barack Obama.

By the way, the majority of Latinos who voted also voted to ban same-sex marriage.

The truth is that many African-Americans and Latinos simply do not believe that gay marriage is a civil rights issue. In fact, some blacks are hostile to the notion that the gay community has hijacked the civil rights issue.

In addition, Barack Obama himself has stated that he opposes gay marriage. Yes, he did indeed speak out against Proposition 8, calling it unnecessary.

Is Barack Obama a narrow minded bigot, a homophobe, or a religious nut case because he opposes same-sex marriage?

Why is acceptance of gay marriage NOT a part of the Obama Change vision?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's First Major Test: Containing Joe Biden!

Satire by John Kakistos Lillpop

Now that Barack Obama has officially stolen the election,he will, of course, be tested to determine if he has the mettle and cajoles to do the job.

With what foreign enemy might that first major test originate?

Maybe Fidel Castro, that demented old commie, will arrange for Russian nuclear missiles to be re-planted in Cuba in a desperate attempt to end the American embargo of his corrupt island dictatorship?

Perhaps Vladimir Putin will try to assert Russia's renewed status as a superpower to the new kid on the block by invading Georgia--as in Atlanta?

Or maybe Iranian crazy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will test fire a few missiles over Tel Aviv, just to see if Obama really gives a tinker's damn about all those Jews?

The answer: None of the above!

In fact, Obama insiders are already drawing up plans for dealing with the most pernicious threat to the new administration: The unbridled mouth of Joseph Biden!

Known in inner circles as the Everready Bunny of Political Gaffes, Biden was prohibited from making public speeches or granting interviews over the last few days leading to the election.

Team Obama correctly reasoned that even a 20-point lead was not safe, given the uncanny ability of Joe Biden to say exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Therefore, now that Obama has won, the problem for Obama operatives is huge:

How to gag and muffle a presumably healthy vice president of the United States for at least four years without using water boarding, false imprisonment, a hired assassin, or lobotomy?

When you get down to it, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other scoundrels of their ilk are like Red Cross volunteers when compared to the devastation that an impromptu statement from Joe Biden can have!

If nothing else, chronicling the misadventures of Joe Biden and the mad scrambles by Obama to clean up Joe's messes could bring uproarious hilarity to an otherwise horrific story.


Satire By John Kakistos Lillpop

November 5, 2008

Dear President-elect Obama:

Congratulations on your victory! President Bush was exactly right when he congratulated you and said that November 4 was an "awesome night."

Of course, to some 9/11 was as well, but let's not dwell needlessly on the past.

Back to your success: Who would have imagined that a person of color with only $750 million to spend, all of the mainstream media acting as your personal PR agency, and ACORN workers registering squirrels on your behalf would be able to accomplish this great deed?

It is truly a miracle that one would expect only from a Messiah or other deity, but we know that you are not so blessed and are in fact mortal, right?

The fact that neither you nor Jesus Christ were ever issued a valid birth certificate is sheer coincidence, right?

Mr. President-elect, is it OK if I call you Hussein?

By the way did you know that 96.9 percent of all people named Hussein are Islamofascists? An interesting tidbit, but probably just another coincidence?

Hussein, I want to let you know that your handling of Aunti, the illegal alien from Kenya was perfect! Your insistence that all laws be properly executed was most admirable.

Is Aunti going to be deported before or after the inaugural?

Given the fact that she has lived in public housing for nearly four years after being ordered by a court to leave the country, it would make sense to deport her as soon as possible.

Kudos also for returning Aunti's donation to your campaign!

Where do you suppose she came up with that $265.00 to send to a beloved nephew who raised $150 million dollars in September alone?

Hussein, I know that one of your campaign "promises" was to enact amnesty for the 38 million illegal aliens here from Mexico and points south. And I know that you hate to break campaign promises, your commitment to public campaign financing comes to mind.

However, in keeping with your insistence that all applicable laws be enforced with respect to Aunti, would it not make better sense to deport, rather than legalize, the illegal aliens from Mexico?

Now that the election is over, they have done their part to get you elected, and should be asked politely, but firmly, to go home.

Adios hombres, is the correct Spanish term, I believe, although my Spanish is not what it should be according to liberals.

Incidentally, what plans do you have to nudge Hispanics toward English? We could save billions of taxpayer dollars by not printing ballots and other documents in Spanish.

Another area in which you showed real leadership is ACORN, the institution of community organizers that registers voters for the Democrat party. As you know, ACORN has been accused of voter fraud; some offices have been raided and shut down.

Knowing your past close affiliation with ACORN, I was delighted to learn that you actually called for a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate the group.

With any luck, the special prosecutor will have a final report issued near the end of your second term, probably sometime late in 2016.

Again, I assume that your recent $800,000 check to ACORN is yet another pesky coincidence, of no real concern with respect to the November 4 election?

From an administrative point of view it might help if you asked the special prosecutor to investigate the kerfuffel concerning your birth certificate at the same time as the ACORN inquiry, and demand that a final report be issued no later than June, 2010, well in advance of the mid-term elections.

Just a couple of additional items, Hussein: I suppose you heard about the "Black Only" policy that Black Panther members were trying to impose in Philadelphia on election day?

Can we assume that you will address this behavior in an appropriate and timely fashion? Perhaps as part of the State of the Union address?

Finally, I know that the media, both international and domestic, are calling your victory a "landslide" with some even suggesting that conservatism is a dead ideology.

With all due respect, sir, I would point out that John McCain did manage to squeeze out 56,000,000 votes, which is ten million more than President Clinton ever managed.

The point being that, yes, your win was impressive but 55 million people voted for the other guy and gal!

One last item: I have cousins living in rural Pennsylvania who are affectionately known in some circles (read John Murtha) as red necks. All have guns and Bibles and other dangerous objects in their homes.

Anyhow, the cousins sent the attacked picture and would be most grateful for your autograph.

Cousin Willie,in the middle, asked if you would kindly autograph his protruding belly--we told him that you could write your entire inauguration speech on that flab, but we know that you are pressed for time.

Once again, best wishes on your new job and White House in that mostly black neighborhood in D.C.

Depending on the results of that investigation by the Special Prosecutor, I may consider voting for you in 2010.

Until Then,

John Kakistos Lillpop

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Black Panthers Intimidate Voters: Change We NEED?

By John Karkistos Lillpop

Everyone knows that Barack Obama promised change, but as voters in Philadelphia discovered on election day, some Black Panthers took change to mean "Black Only" at the polling places.

Worldnetdaily.com has the full story, including these quotes:

"'We're tired of white supremacy," and "We will not allow some racists and other angry whites, who are upset over an impending Barack Obama presidential victory, to intimidate blacks at the polls. "Most certainly, we cannot allow these racist forces to slaughter our babies or commit other acts of violence against the black population, nor our black president."

You Tube video:

Whither the "post-partisan" era that Obama promised?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Whom Will Obama's Illegal Alien Aunti Vote For?


By John W. Lillpop

Ignoring the rule of law in order to enrich one's selfish self is apparently a genetic defect in the Obama family DNA.

At least that appears to be the case given Obama's renegade disregard for the law when it comes to illegal aliens, voter fraud, domestic terrorism, and even his own eligibility to be U.S. president.

Therefore, it should come as no great surprise that Zeituni Onyango is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama's late father, which makes her Obama's aunt.

She is also an illegal alien whom was instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya. **

Of course, Obama claims that he did not know that his dear aunt was here illegally.

Just like he did not know that Bill Ayers has never expressed regret for his vile act of domestic terrorism.

Just like he did not know that his spiritual advisor, Jeremiah Wright, blamed the U.S. for 9.11.

Just like he did not know that ACORN was up to its eyeballs in voter fraud on his behalf.

Perhaps we now know why Obama has refused so adamantly to come clean on his birth certificate?

The dude is trying to avoid deportation as an illegal alien from Kenya!

The really big question: Are the Republicans checking to make sure that Aunt Zeituni Onyango is NOT being driven to the polls in an ACORN limousine and casting a vote for her non-citizen nephew next Tuesday?

The second most critical question: Does Aunt Zeituni Onyango speak Spanish? If not, why not?

The third most critical question: Where did Aunti come up with that $260 that she funneled to Obama, and has Obama returned said dirty money?



Mighty Marxists from Little ACORNs Grow!

By John W. Lillpop

A savant of the Middle East offered this counsel to the people more than 2,000 years ago, "By his fruits shall ye know him!"

Those words have rich meaning in 2008, especially as pertains to Barack Obama.

That is so because Obama has racked up more than a few endorsements from foreign enemies of the United States as well as all of the domestic leftists in the business of anti-American chaos.

A partial list of Obama endorsements to date should be enough to dissuade any patriot citizen from throwing in with Barack Obama, the communist non-citizen:

Fidel Castro

Hugo Chavez

Louis Farrakhan

Ari Larijani, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament

Ahmed Yousuf, Hamas political adviser

Most of Hollywood

San Francisco

The New York Times, Los Angeles, and Most Leftist publications


In addition, Obama is a huge favorite among the masses in Europe and China, where the best interests of America and her people are not a priority.

Citizen alert: Think very carefully before joining the likes of Fidel Castro and Louis Farrakhan in supporting a man whose candidacy would be humorous if the stakes were not so high.

In other words, "Partake not of the forbidden fruit, lest ye be smitten with death!"

Friday, October 31, 2008

Wedding of Brats Aged 5 and 7 Halted: SF Mayor to Rescue?

Satire By John W. Lillpop

SAN FRANCISCO (LIL) -- A Muslim cleric in Pakistan was poised to give Allah's blessings to Mohammad Waseem, seven years old, and his bride Nishain Karachi, five, who were about to be joined in eternal marital bliss, or until they reached puberty, whichever came first.

However, it all came tumbling down when party pooping police raided the ceremony and arrested the Muslim cleric and the parents of the two children

Television footage showed both children in traditional wedding clothes in the laps of policemen after the raid – the girl with tears running down her cheeks.


There you go! Even as young as five years old, females hate to let go once they get their hooks locked into an available male!

Pakistan law forbids marriage below the age of 18, a law that Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco described as "discriminatory, damnable, and damaging" to the civil rights of seven year old boys and five year old girls all across the globe.

Mayor Newsom immediately sent a text message to the young victims of Pakistan's archaic laws and invited the children, their parents, and the 100 wedding guests to visit San Francisco where he, the mayor, would be honored to marry the brats on the steps of San Francisco City Hall.

"Love must never be denied because of intolerant laws and bigoted minds," said Newsom, who added that gay weddings are terrific, but limited by the small population of gay lovers, estimated at 10 percent in the general population, and 70-90 percent in this din of inequity.

Apparently, the volume of gay marriages has petered out since the California Supreme Court legalized same sex weddings last June.

That has cut into Newsom's bottom line which is why he is willing to marry the young Pakistanis.

Da Mayor needs the $30.00 wedding fee, and said he may have to start accepting straight weddings if things don't pick up real soon!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Brother Barack: Why Not "Spread the Wealth" Among Kin?

Analysis By John W. Lillpop

While Barack Obama harasses working class Americans like Joe the Plumber about the Marxist need to "spread the wealth," the Messiah conveniently ignores a hideous wealth schism within the Obama clan itself.

Barack and Michelle Obama, for example, while away the hours in elitist comfort in their lovely Mansion, the purchase of which involved corrupt thug Tony Rizzo, reportedly working in concert with that other world renowned Hussein, Saddam the


Meanwhile, Obama's younger brother lives in Kenya in a run down shack that would not be good enough for a servant's bathroom in Michelle's palatial digs in Illinois.

The young Kenyan eats mud for lunch-- on good days, when there is mud left over from the previous meal!

Say, Barack, why not lead by example when it comes to redistribution? You and Michelle move to Kenya into your brother's digs, and let him move into your Illinois mansion?

That would be fair and balanced, and would prove your genuine commitment to equality and family!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ashley Todd: Covert ACORN Operative?

Satire by John W. Lillpop

As Americans strive to recover from the devastating fraud perpetrated by Ashley Todd, a new unconfirmed report is about to explode.

It is being whispered about that Ashley Todd is, in fact, an Obama operative and ACORN director whose job it was to create a major distraction for a few days to cover up important news concerning Obama's fraudulent birth certificate.

Todd was also charged with diverting media coverage away from Joe the Plumber and his pesky bitching about Obama's communist plans for America.

The distraction worked beautifully, as mainstream media have been obsessed with the Ashley Todd hoax.

Media have even spinned the hoax as an ineloquent attempt by a psychotic racist to humiliate black men, that being Obama and Todd's alleged assailant who writes upside down and backwards when carving the letter "B" into an already repulsive face.

As of now, no mainstream media have had the guts to report that Todd's scheme was pre-planned to make it appear as though she were a demented surrogate for the McCain campaign.

Meanwhile, Obama is struggling silently to cover up legal appearances and Motions to Dismiss filed on his behalf. With the aid and comfort of the liberal media, Obama is finding that no lie is too huge or insidious to hide.

In another vile twist to this vile story, seasoned journalists are claiming that the Todd fraud should have been immediately recognized as such based on one outstanding fact:

Obama anarchists have been instructed to use guns, not knives.

Good point!

Consider, please: In order to counter his public image as a wuss, a bloke without the cojones that any American president must have to gain and maintain the upper hand against blood thirsty terrorists and brutal dictators, Barack Obama issued the following call to arms last June:

"If they (Republicans) bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said, according to pool reports."


Clearly, the Messiah wants guns, not knives, to be used against Republicans!

Sorry, Ashley, but it appears as though you are just not devious enough to lie for Obama and ACORN!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Dewey Defeats Truman," Harbinger of 2008?

By John W. Lillpop

Sixty years ago, America held a presidential election that most pundits forecast as a win for Thomas E. Dewey over Harry S. Truman who ascended to the presidency when Franklin Roosevelt died in 1945.

Even back then, the media could not be trusted to do their jobs by reporting the news. So it was that the first edition of the Chicago Tribune on November 3, 1948 blared that, "Dewey Defeats Truman," which is still noteworthy because it was exactly backwards from the actual results.

Tribune reporter Arthur Sears Henning also reported that the Republicans had captured both the House and the Senate and could be counted on to have their way with the minority-party Democrats. That was also dead wrong.

Here in 2008, the mainstream media has all but declared, "Obama Defeats McCain," two weeks before most voting even starts. Doom and gloom is also forecast for Republican fortunes in the U.S. Congress.

Is lightning about to strike again? Has the media, in cahoots with Obama and the left, jumped the gun, ALA 1948? Is Barack Obama the 2008 version of Thomas E. Dewey?

Will Republicans have the last, and most gratifying, laugh two weeks hence?

Ta-ta Tutu, Or Aloha to White House? Why Is Obama Oahu-bound?

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama would have the world believe that, as we enter the last days of the historical presidential campaign, he has decided to stop campaigning in order to visit his ailing grand mother in Hawaii.

Duh, curious given the fact that he was just there in August.

There is another possibility. Namely, answering the Supreme Court Petition by ANDY MARTIN, found at the link below, which challenges the Messiah's birth certificate and eligibility for the U.S. Presidency.

Aloha to the presidency? One can only hope and pray!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber Versus Obama the Elitist

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama's exchange with "Joe the plumber" has been well chronicled in the media. However, Barack Obama and the Marxists who support him in the Democrat Party do not really understand Joe's message.

Given the opportunity to speak more expansively, Joe the plumber would probably say something like the following:

"Senator Obama, I do not believe that you fully understand my point.

You see, most Americans come from families of very modest means. Very few 'average' Americans can afford a Harvard education and all of the financial and social benefits that come to people who can afford a world class education.

While you and your lovely wife are well educated lawyers who have no concerns about paying the mortgage or feeding your family or educating your children, that is not our world.

We must work long and hard for everything just to survive.

Our world requires sacrifice and more sacrifice just to buy a home, provide for our children, plan for their education, and pay the local, state, and federal taxes we are already burdened with.

Our world requires working on tedious and boring jobs just to make ends meet each month.

Despite the drudgery of just surviving, we have made the sacrifices required.

We have secured the vocational training needed to do our work. We give our employers an honest day of labor for an honest wage.

Through grit and non-ending sacrifice, we have improved ourselves and the prospects for a better future for our children.

Through hard work and sacrifice, we have achieved a very modest amount of "wealth."

Now you, a millionaire attorney who lives in a large mansion, want to redistribute our 'wealth' at your discretion?

With all respect, senator, not only do you not understand average Americans, you simply do not understand why America is the greatest nation in human history.

If you are elected president, senator, before rushing to convert America into a socialist nation, please answer the following question, honestly, to your own satisfaction:

Why has socialism failed in every nation in which it has been attempted?

Thank you."

All Americans should ask themselves that same question before turning this great nation over to a confirmed Marxist.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Force George Bush to Deliver State of Union Before He Skips Town!

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Unprecedented, it would be.

Nevertheless, think about it: Why should John McCain or Barack Obama be forced to stand before the U.S. Congress, the nation, and the world next January to explain the dreadful mess that George W. Bush has created?

After all, giving the 2009 State of the Union message is bound to be a lose-lose proposition for whomever it falls on to deliver said oratory.

On one hand, standing before the world and declaring that the "State of the Union is good," would be farcical, but all too typical of Bush.

On the other hand, telling the truth by saying the "State of the Union is dismal," could cause additional panic and dismay, neither of which will help alleviate the situation.

Since accountability and personal responsibility are making a come back, why not prop the hapless George W. Bush up one last time and let him accept blame for the financial meltdown, rampant home foreclosures, the never ending Iraq war, open borders and out of control illegal immigration, revitalization of Russia and communism there, and China's ascent as a global power?

Moreover, since W is widely recognized as a fanatical baseball fan, let him include a weepy statement of compassion for fans of the Chicago Cubs, poor souls that have been denied a world championship for the 100th consecutive year.

100, and counting.

"Wait until next year," W could plea in a message intended for jilted Cub fans, but which would be equally applicable to anyone with a spiritual or financial stake in America.

To conclude his presidency, at high noon on January 20, W should ride out of town on a blind donkey, symbolic of his vision less incompetence and closeted fondness for the Democrat party.

Once W has moved his blind ass beyond the Washington, D.C. city limits, President McCain or President Obama would get the key to the White House.

America would then begin the long, tortured journey away from the miserable legacy left by the "Worst president in U.S. history."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Ayers" of His Way Come Back to Haunt Barack Obama

By John W. Lillpop

William Ayers is not the sort of fellow that any patriotic, mainstream American would willingly choose as a friend.

In fact, given the choice, most Americans would not even associate with his type.

From Wikipedia, this profile:

"Ayers became involved in the New Left and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). He rose to national prominence as an SDS leader in 1968 and 1969. As head of an SDS regional group, the "Jesse James Gang", Ayers made decisive contributions to the Weatherman orientation toward militancy. The group Ayers headed in Detroit, Michigan became one of the earliest gatherings of what became the Weatherman. Between the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the June 1969 SDS convention, Ayers became a prominent leader of the group, which arose as a result of a schism in SDS.

"During that time his infatuation with street fighting grew and he developed a language of confrontational militancy that became more and more pronounced over the year [1969],' disaffected former Weatherman member Cathy Wilkerson wrote in 2001. Ayers had previously become a roommate of Terry Robbins, a fellow militant, Wilkerson wrote. Robbins would later be killed while making a bomb. In June 1969, the Weatherman took control of the SDS at its national convention, where Ayers was elected Education Secretary. Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to riot police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot confrontation between labor supporters and the police.

"In 1970 he 'went underground' with several associates after the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, in which Weatherman member Ted Gold, Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton, were killed when a nail bomb (an anti-personnel device) they were assembling exploded. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him. Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and The Pentagon in 1972."

Reading about William Ayers automatically conjures up images of Osama bin Laden and other brutal terrorists intent on destroying America.

Affiliating with such a person is not what one would normally expect to find in the dossier of a serious candidate for the presidency of the United States. Yet that is precisely the case with Barack Obama.

Of course, Obama now denies knowing anything about Ayers' background and claims that he barely knew the terrorist.

However, the Republican Party has documented the Obama-Ayers relationship thoroughly, a document that can be viewed at the link below:


In addition, from the Weekly Standard, this report about CNN's review of the Obama-Ayers relationship:

"CNN's Drew Griffin reports that Obama and Ayers funded niche lefty causes and Jeremiah Wright's church. And a number of sources who attended Obama's coming out party hosted by Ayers in 1995 dispute the Obama camp's portrayal of that meeting:
Obama campaign representative Anita Dunn: A Democratic state senator organizes a meeting of her supporters at the house of another one of her supporters. ... It is the worst kind of inference and the worst kind of politics to say that that says something about Barack Obama....

CNN reporter Drew Griffin: What I can tell you from two people who were actually there is that, number one, former [Democratic] state senator Alice Palmer says she in no way organized this meeting. She was invited and attended it briefly.

Dr. Quentin Young, a retired doctor, told us this indeed was Barack Obama's political coming out party, and it was hosted by Bill Ayers."


As much as Barack Obama and his minions would like to close their eyes and wish William Ayers away, the domestic terrorist is here to stay, and his presence in the life of the man who would be 44th President of the United States must be thoroughly investigated by responsible journalists, and explained by Obama himself.

Why did Obama affiliate with Ayers to begin with, and why did he deliberately lie about that affiliation?

Of course the larger question that the American people are owed a reasonable answer for is:

Why should anyone vote for a presidential candidate whose "coming out party" in politics was hosted by an Osama bin Laden-like terrorist?

Another nagging question: Why have mainstream tigers like Charles Gibson, Katie Couric, and others worked 24/7 to "expose" Governor Palin, while ignoring Barack Obama's frightening affiliation with William Ayers?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is Barack Obama Sufficiently Stable to Lead America?

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama has paid exceptional amounts of money to have his image crafted by savvy professionals who have made the Democrat appear to be a cool, calm, and collected stalwart with both feet squarely on the ground, unflappable, and always in control.

As a result of his pricey PR makeover, Obama is seen by liberals as a perfect match for the high stress and emotional drama that comes with being CEO and commander-in-chief of the world's only superpower.

(At least we hope America will still be a superpower on January 20!)

Unfortunately, the truth about Barack Obama reveals a much different story.

To begin with, the candidate has a history of drug use as chronicled in The Audacity of Hope, in which he confesses to illegal drug experimentation.

As commendable as it is for Obama to voluntarily expose his dirty laundry, it is worth noting that former drug offenders are often quite skilled at manipulating facts to avoid the full, ugly truth from being exposed. Many drastically and deliberately understate the extent of their drug use, and hide other less innocent crimes in the process.

No one is saying that that is the case with Barack Obama; however, it is prudent to be alert to all possibilities, especially where the presidency of the United States is concerned.

Furthermore, Obama has apparently been unable to break his addiction to tobacco. Smoking cigarettes is a particularly pernicious weakness that speaks to a character defect of the type that rarely curses strong, capable leaders.

Smoking is a killer of weak community organizers, rather than bold innovators and agents of change.

Smoking cigarettes obviously poses a grave health risk, another factor that voters must take into account before voting on November 4.

Even more importantly, the President of the United States is a role model for young people all over the world; he is supposed to be an inspiration to those starting out in life with stars in their eyes and dreams in their innocent minds.

Seeing an African-American with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, obviously bound by the slavery of tobacco addiction, sends an awful message to our youth, one that makes the Audacity of Hope seem a cruel hoax.

To say nothing of the obvious appearance of impropriety. How can Barack Obama be an effective warrior against Big Tobacco moguls when the man is utterly dependent on their products for his own emotional stability?

How can the Chosen One be the poster child for "Just Say No!" when he himself is a veritable bowl of jelly without a Camel to puff on?

As if Obama's past drug use and current addition to tobacco were not bad enough, it is well known that the 47-year-old is hooked on cell telephones, again almost to the point of addiction.

In fact, unconfirmed rumors suggest that the cauliflower ears sported by the candidate are the direct result of over exposure to cell telephones!

Were it not for the disfiguring effects of constantly being affixed to a cell phone, some scientists claim that Obama's ears would be close to normal.

As it is, Obama seems a dead ringer for that popular Disney figure, Dumbo the Flying elephant.

The fact that the elephant is a copyrighted icon of the Republican Party makes Obama's appearance highly offensive to both liberals and conservatives alike.

In addition to the bad karma wrought by unsightly big ears, there is a credible health risk to take into account.

Specifically, some scientists believe that "The potential link between mobile telephones and brain cancer could be similar to the link between lung cancer and smoking -- something tobacco companies took 50 years to recognize, according to US scientists' warning."


Besides the obvious health issues involved in drug use, addiction to tobacco, and dangerous overuse of cell phones, a vital question must be answered: Why would one so cool, calm, and collected need drugs, tobacco, or cell phones to function?

Barack Obama seems to need artificial substances and or devices in order to cope.

Can Americans afford to entrust the future of this nation, and the w

Team Obama "Truth Squad" Nails Bill Clinton!

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Proving that not all Change is necessarily a good thing, some powerful Democrats in Missouri have taken the unprecedented step of forming "Truth Squads" to protect Barack Obama from "false criticisms."

Television station KMOV has aired a story alleging that two St. Louis County Circuit Attorneys are threatening to bring criminal libel charges against anyone who levels what turns out to be false criticisms of their chosen candidate for President, that of course being Barack Obama.


The mind boggles at the potential for abuse, especially since the Truth Squad appears to be on the prowl only for false criticisms aimed at the Democrat. Locals are apparently free to lambaste John McCain with lies at will.

Again, liberal insanity makes national headlines.

With the U.S. economy in meltdown, Russia invading Latin America, and the Chinese implementing population control with poison milk, there is hardly enough news to keep news junkies satisfied.

Team Obama Truth Squads could fill the news gap with some outrageous hilarity during the 40 odd days left until the election.
For instance, suppose that Bill Clinton decided to stump for Obama in St. Louis.

Suppose also that Bubba inadvertently repeats his "fairy tale" comment about the Obama candidacy, hastening the following emergency call:


Operator? This is a powerful attorney and I am reporting an emergency. Barack Obama has been libeled-- we need an armed police response now!

9-11 Operator:

Please remain calm, sir. Did I understand you to say that Barack Obama has been criticized publicly? What exactly was said and by whom?

Bill Clinton, racist and known enemy of all black people, said that Obama is chasing a "fairy tale" by running for president!

9-11 Operator:

Oh, my goodness. That is serious--and probably above my
pay grade! Is this Clinton fellow armed?


No, he is anti-gun, remember? Please get the police over to
KMOV studios immediately. We have to stomp out this hate speech before it spreads to other TV stations!

9-11 Operator:

Sir, I have seven squad cars rolling that way as we speak. Do your best to restrain this Clinton nut until the men in Blue arrive. And thank you for calling 9-11!

Within minutes, 20 of St. Louis' best and brightest arrive with weapons flashing. They quickly surround Bubba and order him to surrender or face the consequences.

As the KMOV cameras roll, Slick Willie gives in, is handcuffed, shoved into a police car, and hauled to the nearest police precinct in downtown St. Louis.

At the police station, Slick Willie demands that his right to make one telephone call be honored.

Obama's Truth Squad advises Slick that all phones are busy and will not be back in service until 8 AM, November 5, at which time he will be free to make one local call.

That, my fellow Americans, is Truth and the American way from the "Show Me!" state of Missouri!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

America: Get Off Your Toxic Assets and Fight Back!

By John W. Lillpop

As the economic reality of being broke starts to settle in on we Americans who were raised to believe that divine intervention made us # 1 and would keep us there forever, it is time to start fighting for that which is rightfully ours.

That means that elected officials and those running for elective office need to start acting like Americans instead of spineless, nut less wimps. The last thing our nation needs right now is some flaky liberal obsessed with being a "Citizen of the World."

We don't need no stinkin' citizen of the world in the Oval Office! Especially when Old Glory is flying upside down in distress.

We need a leader who is proud to be an American, has been all of his life, and will be until his soul is returned to the Creator.

We need a patriot who is passionately in love with freedom and Democracy and with all things American.

We need a president who is not ashamed of being an American, and who thinks that the U.S. being # 1 is just terrific.

We need a commander-in-chief who thinks that being the best in the world is something to boast about, a noble cause worth fighting for.

We need a president who really believes that America is the best thing to happen to human kind.

Regaining the national mojo will not be easy. But there are several immediate steps that can be taken to make America First! the imperative in Washington, D.C. once again.

To begin with, concerned patriots need to think "outside the fox" when casting their ballots on November 4. That means being honest about the candidates and their positions on the issues.

Honestly: Can America trust Democrats to fight the war on terror and the economic crisis with the appropriate America First! gusto?

These are not times well suited for queasy liberal globalists like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden!

Of course, Republicans have their warts, and plenty of them. However, they seem the lesser of two evils.

For the preservation of American culture and superpower status, we the people must elect a Republican president and restore Republican majorities in both houses of the Congress.

Having done so, we will have at least given America a fighting chance to survive.

Other fundamental changes are mandatory, among which are these:

*Eliminate deficit spending and "off budget" malarkey. Put the numbers down honestly and spend only what we have.

*Make tax cuts permanent.

*Make energy independence a priority, even if means drilling for oil in Nancy Pelosi's backyard in San Francisco.

*Make English the official language and stop the practice of printing ballots and other governmental and educational materials in foreign languages. Having more than one language is divisive, expensive, and unpatriotic!

*This is America, we speak English here and those uncomfortable with that reality are welcome to get the hell out--adios, Sayonara, blah, blah, blah.

*Kick the United Nations out of the U.S. and get the U.S. out of the United Nations! America spends far too much money in support of this gaggle of anti-American socialists.

*Immediately cease all foreign aid! Start with Mexico and Pakistan, and go down the list of terrorist-sponsoring states until the slate is clean.

*Secure the borders with military, including the use of deadly force if necessary.

*Deport the 38 million or so illegal aliens living on the backs of American taxpayers. The cost of deportation to be borne by the nations that allowed (encouraged!) their illiterate peasants to invade America in the first place!

This is, alas, but a starting point for the second American Revolution.

Are you ready to fight for America and the future of your children?

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