Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is Barack Obama Sufficiently Stable to Lead America?

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama has paid exceptional amounts of money to have his image crafted by savvy professionals who have made the Democrat appear to be a cool, calm, and collected stalwart with both feet squarely on the ground, unflappable, and always in control.

As a result of his pricey PR makeover, Obama is seen by liberals as a perfect match for the high stress and emotional drama that comes with being CEO and commander-in-chief of the world's only superpower.

(At least we hope America will still be a superpower on January 20!)

Unfortunately, the truth about Barack Obama reveals a much different story.

To begin with, the candidate has a history of drug use as chronicled in The Audacity of Hope, in which he confesses to illegal drug experimentation.

As commendable as it is for Obama to voluntarily expose his dirty laundry, it is worth noting that former drug offenders are often quite skilled at manipulating facts to avoid the full, ugly truth from being exposed. Many drastically and deliberately understate the extent of their drug use, and hide other less innocent crimes in the process.

No one is saying that that is the case with Barack Obama; however, it is prudent to be alert to all possibilities, especially where the presidency of the United States is concerned.

Furthermore, Obama has apparently been unable to break his addiction to tobacco. Smoking cigarettes is a particularly pernicious weakness that speaks to a character defect of the type that rarely curses strong, capable leaders.

Smoking is a killer of weak community organizers, rather than bold innovators and agents of change.

Smoking cigarettes obviously poses a grave health risk, another factor that voters must take into account before voting on November 4.

Even more importantly, the President of the United States is a role model for young people all over the world; he is supposed to be an inspiration to those starting out in life with stars in their eyes and dreams in their innocent minds.

Seeing an African-American with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, obviously bound by the slavery of tobacco addiction, sends an awful message to our youth, one that makes the Audacity of Hope seem a cruel hoax.

To say nothing of the obvious appearance of impropriety. How can Barack Obama be an effective warrior against Big Tobacco moguls when the man is utterly dependent on their products for his own emotional stability?

How can the Chosen One be the poster child for "Just Say No!" when he himself is a veritable bowl of jelly without a Camel to puff on?

As if Obama's past drug use and current addition to tobacco were not bad enough, it is well known that the 47-year-old is hooked on cell telephones, again almost to the point of addiction.

In fact, unconfirmed rumors suggest that the cauliflower ears sported by the candidate are the direct result of over exposure to cell telephones!

Were it not for the disfiguring effects of constantly being affixed to a cell phone, some scientists claim that Obama's ears would be close to normal.

As it is, Obama seems a dead ringer for that popular Disney figure, Dumbo the Flying elephant.

The fact that the elephant is a copyrighted icon of the Republican Party makes Obama's appearance highly offensive to both liberals and conservatives alike.

In addition to the bad karma wrought by unsightly big ears, there is a credible health risk to take into account.

Specifically, some scientists believe that "The potential link between mobile telephones and brain cancer could be similar to the link between lung cancer and smoking -- something tobacco companies took 50 years to recognize, according to US scientists' warning."


Besides the obvious health issues involved in drug use, addiction to tobacco, and dangerous overuse of cell phones, a vital question must be answered: Why would one so cool, calm, and collected need drugs, tobacco, or cell phones to function?

Barack Obama seems to need artificial substances and or devices in order to cope.

Can Americans afford to entrust the future of this nation, and the w

Team Obama "Truth Squad" Nails Bill Clinton!

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Proving that not all Change is necessarily a good thing, some powerful Democrats in Missouri have taken the unprecedented step of forming "Truth Squads" to protect Barack Obama from "false criticisms."

Television station KMOV has aired a story alleging that two St. Louis County Circuit Attorneys are threatening to bring criminal libel charges against anyone who levels what turns out to be false criticisms of their chosen candidate for President, that of course being Barack Obama.


The mind boggles at the potential for abuse, especially since the Truth Squad appears to be on the prowl only for false criticisms aimed at the Democrat. Locals are apparently free to lambaste John McCain with lies at will.

Again, liberal insanity makes national headlines.

With the U.S. economy in meltdown, Russia invading Latin America, and the Chinese implementing population control with poison milk, there is hardly enough news to keep news junkies satisfied.

Team Obama Truth Squads could fill the news gap with some outrageous hilarity during the 40 odd days left until the election.
For instance, suppose that Bill Clinton decided to stump for Obama in St. Louis.

Suppose also that Bubba inadvertently repeats his "fairy tale" comment about the Obama candidacy, hastening the following emergency call:


Operator? This is a powerful attorney and I am reporting an emergency. Barack Obama has been libeled-- we need an armed police response now!

9-11 Operator:

Please remain calm, sir. Did I understand you to say that Barack Obama has been criticized publicly? What exactly was said and by whom?

Bill Clinton, racist and known enemy of all black people, said that Obama is chasing a "fairy tale" by running for president!

9-11 Operator:

Oh, my goodness. That is serious--and probably above my
pay grade! Is this Clinton fellow armed?


No, he is anti-gun, remember? Please get the police over to
KMOV studios immediately. We have to stomp out this hate speech before it spreads to other TV stations!

9-11 Operator:

Sir, I have seven squad cars rolling that way as we speak. Do your best to restrain this Clinton nut until the men in Blue arrive. And thank you for calling 9-11!

Within minutes, 20 of St. Louis' best and brightest arrive with weapons flashing. They quickly surround Bubba and order him to surrender or face the consequences.

As the KMOV cameras roll, Slick Willie gives in, is handcuffed, shoved into a police car, and hauled to the nearest police precinct in downtown St. Louis.

At the police station, Slick Willie demands that his right to make one telephone call be honored.

Obama's Truth Squad advises Slick that all phones are busy and will not be back in service until 8 AM, November 5, at which time he will be free to make one local call.

That, my fellow Americans, is Truth and the American way from the "Show Me!" state of Missouri!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

America: Get Off Your Toxic Assets and Fight Back!

By John W. Lillpop

As the economic reality of being broke starts to settle in on we Americans who were raised to believe that divine intervention made us # 1 and would keep us there forever, it is time to start fighting for that which is rightfully ours.

That means that elected officials and those running for elective office need to start acting like Americans instead of spineless, nut less wimps. The last thing our nation needs right now is some flaky liberal obsessed with being a "Citizen of the World."

We don't need no stinkin' citizen of the world in the Oval Office! Especially when Old Glory is flying upside down in distress.

We need a leader who is proud to be an American, has been all of his life, and will be until his soul is returned to the Creator.

We need a patriot who is passionately in love with freedom and Democracy and with all things American.

We need a president who is not ashamed of being an American, and who thinks that the U.S. being # 1 is just terrific.

We need a commander-in-chief who thinks that being the best in the world is something to boast about, a noble cause worth fighting for.

We need a president who really believes that America is the best thing to happen to human kind.

Regaining the national mojo will not be easy. But there are several immediate steps that can be taken to make America First! the imperative in Washington, D.C. once again.

To begin with, concerned patriots need to think "outside the fox" when casting their ballots on November 4. That means being honest about the candidates and their positions on the issues.

Honestly: Can America trust Democrats to fight the war on terror and the economic crisis with the appropriate America First! gusto?

These are not times well suited for queasy liberal globalists like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden!

Of course, Republicans have their warts, and plenty of them. However, they seem the lesser of two evils.

For the preservation of American culture and superpower status, we the people must elect a Republican president and restore Republican majorities in both houses of the Congress.

Having done so, we will have at least given America a fighting chance to survive.

Other fundamental changes are mandatory, among which are these:

*Eliminate deficit spending and "off budget" malarkey. Put the numbers down honestly and spend only what we have.

*Make tax cuts permanent.

*Make energy independence a priority, even if means drilling for oil in Nancy Pelosi's backyard in San Francisco.

*Make English the official language and stop the practice of printing ballots and other governmental and educational materials in foreign languages. Having more than one language is divisive, expensive, and unpatriotic!

*This is America, we speak English here and those uncomfortable with that reality are welcome to get the hell out--adios, Sayonara, blah, blah, blah.

*Kick the United Nations out of the U.S. and get the U.S. out of the United Nations! America spends far too much money in support of this gaggle of anti-American socialists.

*Immediately cease all foreign aid! Start with Mexico and Pakistan, and go down the list of terrorist-sponsoring states until the slate is clean.

*Secure the borders with military, including the use of deadly force if necessary.

*Deport the 38 million or so illegal aliens living on the backs of American taxpayers. The cost of deportation to be borne by the nations that allowed (encouraged!) their illiterate peasants to invade America in the first place!

This is, alas, but a starting point for the second American Revolution.

Are you ready to fight for America and the future of your children?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Is W Lying About Missing Corporate Profits?

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Congressional Democrats who voted to authorize the use of military force against Iraq in 2002 have spent the last five plus years explaining how they were mislead and manipulated by a conniving man whom they also swear is an incompetent nincompoop.

Geniuses, near geniuses, want to be geniuses, and geniuses in training like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry and other Democrat luminaries claim that President Bush made up WMD intelligence out of whole cloth, sold his snake oil to the United Nations, and co-opted the rest of the world into believing that Saddam Hussein was a bad actor with bad intentions.

All on a lark!

Which is not too shabby for a man that Democrats contend is blessed with an IQ no higher than an ounce of wind blasted prairie weed.

To his credit, Barack Obama did not sup of Bush's Iraq snake oil by voting with Biden, Reid, Clinton, Kerry and other intellectual progressives in October of 2002.

Instead, the community organizer and future Messiah spent his time hanging out on the streets of Chicago with the likes of Weather Underground terrorist William Ayes, Islamofascist apologist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and “Tony” Rezko.

Who says that Obama has no experience? If the old adage, "It takes a thieve to catch a thieve" has any merit, Obama has plenty of experience and must surely be the Chosen One!

Given the fact that Democrats were such easy marks on WMD, what assurances do we have that these same gullible goof balls are asking the right questions, probing the right spots, and applying the due diligence needed to sort out the financial kerfuffel now stinking up America from coast to bloody coast?

For example, has anyone figured out why is essential that $700 billion dollars of taxpayer money be coughed up NOW to rescue a gang of corrupt bankers and financial wizards whose magic wands have suddenly gone sour?

Why can't the issue wait until January 20th and a new administration?

Are those missing corporate profits really missing, or is this just another Bush ruse, in the same category of political malfeasance as the missing WMD?

Has anyone hacked into Dick Cheney's laptop to determine how much of this fiasco is another staged event for the benefit of Halliburton stock and the VP's mad money account?

Before writing a $700 billion check to a cabal of loan sharks and whore mongers disguised as loan sharks, shouldn't someone first consult with Maxine Waters, queen of Watts?

Perhaps government should heed Water's Words of Wisdom by seizing obscene profits stolen by oil freaks at Exxon and Shell, and use said funds to buy off corrupt bankers?

Maybe it is finally time to take Dennis Kucinich and his impeachment talk seriously?

Why not impeach President Bush and save $700 billion dollars, which can then be used by Democrats to fund public services for illegal aliens, reparations for African-Americans and Native Americans, and other worthy progressive causes?

Wake up liberals! We the people are counting on you to outsmart Dubya this time!

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Weekly Synopsis of Liberal Insanity As Seen by John Lillpop


As a man of faith, I am convinced that our Creator would have long ago cast out every manner of liberal from the face of the earth were it not for one divine truth: The healing power of Laughter!

Each week, liberals seem to get goofier and goofier, bringing great distress to those who take these clowns seriously, while providing the rest of us with rich material for derisive laughter and frolic!

The week just ended has been no exception. Consider these comedic situations from the insanity called liberalism:

*Nancy Pelosi's curious interpretation of the Catholic Church's teaching on abortion;

*Oprah Winfrey's wacky rejection of the Fairness Doctrine as regards Governor Sarah Palin;

*Barack Obama's green-with-envy attempt to smear Governor Palin with lipstick better suited for a pig;

*MSNBC's long overdue concession to professionalism and objectivity in dumping Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann;

*New York Governor David Paterson's blind attempt at race baiting;

*Charlie Rangel's taxing lies;

*Joe Biden's concession speech to Hillary Clinton after the convention and while actively campaigning for the Obama-Biden ticket, and

*Michael Moore's prayers answered by a hurricane named after a great Republican president!

What a week it was! The comedic jewels are chronicled below


Hurricane Ike: Answer to Liberal Prayers?

It appears as though Michael Moore's supplications for death and destruction are about to be answered in the great state of Texas.

Hurricane Ike is scheduled to hit the Lone Star state with the force of a Category Three hurricane, bringing with it the prospect for billions of dollars in property damage and the potential for loss of life and great bodily harm.

Millions of people have had their lives turned upside down and have been ordered to evacuate their homes as soon as possible.

In a report on accuweather.com, "the potential for catastrophic damage is extremely high. According to Forecasting Manager Ken Reeves, ' In contrast to the major hits in the Gulf over the past several years, including Katrina, Ike will not weaken significantly before landfall. As a result, the damage potential is exponentially higher.' *

Just the sort of carnage that Michael Moore, a pig whether or not he is smeared with lipstick, and his liberal pals would drool over.

An added bonus for freaky leftists, the deadly storm has been named after a former Republican president.

Truly, the perfect storm for liberal moon bats everywhere!


Joe Biden Nearly Gets One Right!

Give Joe Biden partial credit for stating the obvious: Hillary Clinton would have been a better VP choice than his dreary old self.

Biden's admission, a feeble attempt at being gracious, is in fact, a meaningless bit of flaky snake oil since damn near anyone would be a better choice than the arrogant, balding plagiarist from Delaware.

Had Joe Biden been a real gentleman and patriot, he would have blessed the electorate with these words:

"To be perfectly frank, Governor Sarah Palin is even more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve in the White House. Governor Palin is smarter, younger, tougher, and better looking than the tired old feminist from New York, and Sarah is not an annoying bitch!"


Rangel Wrangles Around Paying His Fair Share in Taxes

In October of 2007, Rep. Charles Rangel, (D-N.Y.), shocked the civilized world with a proposal so extreme that it was dubbed the "Mother of All Tax Hikes" by reasonable folks (Republicans) in the U.S. House.

At the time, it was unclear why the rotund Rangel, head of the House tax-writing committee, would propose something so draconian.

Was this raspy-voiced bundle of liberal tomfoolery that out-of-touch about the devastating effect that over taxation can have on a family budget and the national economy?

As it turns out, Rangel was not concerned because he has been a tax cheat for 20 years! Higher taxes mean nothing if you do not pay them.

Example: Visit a local car wash and ask one of the illegal aliens trolling for loose change his opinion about higher taxes. Without exception, the respondent will shrug his shoulders and express his complete apathy, in Spanish.

You see, illegal aliens do not pay taxes, but they steal public services paid for by people who do. If anything, higher taxes mean a bigger pool of dinero from which illegals can steal.

Charles Rangel's case is much the same.

Except that the powerful lawbreaker has been caught with his chubby fingers stuck in the cookie jar, and now owes the IRS a bundle in unpaid taxes, penalties and fines.

According to the likable Rangel, he has gone 20 years without knowing the details of his beach property in the Dominican Republic.

Here we have the man responsible for writing the tax code for an entire nation, yet when it comes to his own taxes, questions like "How much rent was collected?" and "How much rent should be reported as income?" are beyond his ability to answer.

In a real grasp at straws even for a hypocritical liberal, Rangel blamed the confusion in part on language and cultural barriers with the operators of the resort.

There you go! Another fundamental reason why English Only MUST be made the law of the land in America, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and other locations where tax-adverse liberals have investments.

Still, it is best for America that this Rangel thug has not been sent to prison.

Think about it: The cost to feed the behemoth leftist might lead to even higher taxes, and that would make Rangel deliriously happy!

Governing While Color-Blind in New York

Shortsighted Democrats are constantly on the prowl for a catch phrase or innocuous expression that can be twisted and manipulated into the immoral equivalent of the N word.

It is called race baiting, an evil practice that has been used for decades by Democrats to mask their lack of palatable solutions to the vital issues of the day.

Now a non-sighted nut ball, known more officially as New York Governor David Paterson, has weighed in by alleging that "community organizer" is racist code-speak for black.

Paterson is the blind, black, and bellicose adulterer-druggie who had the good fortune of being available when Governor Eliot Spitzer decided to spend more time with his family (and defense lawyers) last spring.

Sensing that fellow black Barack Obama was on the verge of a historic meltdown, Paterson recently decided to add his unique vision to the debate by saying, "At this point, Americans wouldn't tolerate a racial appeal. What I'm saying is that there are sneaky ways to try to hurt someone," he said.

Sneaky ways? Now that IS an outrage!

Now that the evils of slavery, Jim Crow, unequal justice, and racial profiling have been addressed, America still has to concern itself with "sneaky" words?

Good heavens, where the *F*** is George Carlin, now that we need him most desperately?

Reporter Don Dahler (see WCBST link) adds that "what disturbed Paterson most was what seemed like derisive laughter on the part of the Republicans at Obama's choice of helping his community rather than getting rich on Wall Street."


Sneaky ways AND derisive laughter? That is downright un-American!

Clearly, America needs need tough new laws and a cabinet level department reporting directly to the president to investigate, detect, document, prosecute, and eradicate sneaky words and derisive laughter from the political process.

We could name the tough new law the "Fairness Doctrine," a suitable oxymoron for yet another foolhardy attempt by leftists to annihilate the First Amendment.

Just to show that the government really means business, let's really sock it to the fellow who maliciously attacked Sarah Palin with that sneaky "Lipstick on a Pig" jab, issued to elicit derisive laughter from gooey-eyed liberals not smart enough to recognize a meltdown by their candidate, even when said meltdown was taking place in front of their very eyes!

Still, perhaps there is a simple way to explain this community organizer conundrum so that weepy-eyed liberals like Governor Paterson can understand.

During the Viet Nam War, community organizers were the anti-war moon bats who evaded the military draft and rooted for victory by the North Vietnamese. They were NOT among the brave patriots who were held captive in North Viet Nam prisons, subjected to torture and great bodily harm on a daily basis for years and years.

Jane Fonda was a community organizer back in the 60s and 70s.

John McCain is an American hero and patriot who spent five years as a POW in North Viet Nam.

John McCain was NOT a community organizer!

See my point, Governor?

MSNB Opts for Objectivity, Professionalism: Matthews, Olbermann Bounced!

As further evidence of the devastating power of Sarahmania!, executives at MSNBC have decided to clean up the airwaves by removing lefties Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann as anchors of live political events.

Matthews, who admits that he wets his pants in excitement when covering Barack Obama, will continue to disgrace journalism with "Hard Ball," a daily tragedy in which the host takes five minutes to ask each of his questions, and then refuses to allow assembled guests to answer.

Perhaps Matthews' narcissistic self-talk will be countered when liberals resurrect the Fairness Doctrine?

Olbermann, a former sportscaster, will continue with "Countdown," another dismal embarrassment on a network that should know better. This untidy bundle of liberal insanity is still trying to remember how to count to 10, wasting valuable network time in the process.

Viva Sarahmania!


Of Red Lipstick and Green Envy

A bitterly chastened Barack Obama is striking out like a rattlesnake in heat now that a gun-toting grandma from Alaska has stolen his thunder, absconded with his female voters, fleeced five million dollars from Chicago donors who should know better, and ripped off his mojo.

This is what happens in the big leagues of politics when a sexist community organizer casts off a 60s-something feminist and her 18 million votes like so many worthless American flags at a convention run by "progressive" socialists.

Things have gotten so nasty for the Messiah that some experts are no longer certain that the Anointed One will be resurrected and seated at the Right hand of power come November 4.

As one would expect from a community organizer who has never held a real job with adult responsibilities, Barack Obama is not handling this CHANGE well.

He was supposed to be the cool, calm, and collected miracle worker who, we were told, was so charismatic and personable that terrorists like Osama bin Laden and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be converted into Red Cross community organizers just be gazing into his Jihad eyes.

However, all of that charm and magic escaped Obama's persona when he slithered from the gutter and declared "Lipstick on a pig, still a pig," an ugly comment created by slimy left-wing nut balls still loyal to Hillary Clinton.

At first blush, John McCain and Sarah appeared outraged by the Obama slam. Until, that is, pollsters started to report that Obama's sexist drivel was driving women to the McCain-Palin ticket in droves.

Now the McCain-Palin team is praying that Obama will say something equally as idiotic again, as soon as possible.

Given enough Obama public statements to feast on, the McCain-Palin may be able to win the election without the need to campaign further.

Speak to us again, Holy Community Organizer!


Oprah Just Says NO! to Fairness!

Oprah Winfrey's refusal to interview Sarah Palin will not cost the television mogul a regular viewer in my home.

There are no Oprah addicts here to begin with, have never been, and never will be because Winfrey's narrow-minded definition of herself as a "victim" is offensive.

Victim status legitimately goes to those fighting to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads, problems not often faced by billionaire talk show hostesses.

Winfrey is much like Michelle Obama in the sense that, despite being hugely successful and prosperous, both women harbor deep resentments against America.

Each refuses to credit America for the exceptional opportunities that have been afforded them; neither is grateful or "proud" to be American.

Furthermore, Winfrey apparently finds Sarah Palin "too white" for her television show. On the other hand, Barack Obama's skin pigmentation seemed to blend in nicely with Winfrey's biases and prejudices.

The big question: How might Winfrey react if she were forced to interview Sarah by a fascist government bent on enforcing the resurrected Fairness Doctrine?

Aborting Nancy Pelosi's Unholy Communion

Nancy Pelosi is an intrepid progressive who rarely deviates from the basic tenets of liberalism, including devout worship of abortion rights, the Holy Grail of liberalism.

She is also a Catholic, a fact that would appear to be in direct conflict with her stance on abortion. In a recent stint on Meet the Press, Pelosi was asked to reconcile the conflict by host Tom Brokaw.

Pelosi's response shocked good Catholics, as well as some not-so-good ones, from coast to coast, and cast a pall over the mental health of the woman who stands third in line for succession to the United States presidency.

She essentially said that that church fathers, such as St. Augustine, had not defined over the centuries when life begins nor did they have a solid position on abortion.

Understand that Nancy Pelosi has never been mistaken for an intellectual, or a gifted genius. She has never been invited to speak about rocket science or cosmic mathematics before the local Mensa in San Francisco.

Nor does the Lady bring the credentials of a theological scholar to the debate.

Still, by claiming that the Catholic Church does not own a solid position on abortion, Madam Speaker crashed through the incredulity ceiling with greater force than when she became the first woman Speaker of the United States House.

She also sent some Catholics into hysteria upon learning of her confusion on an issue so critical to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Living in San Francisco has given Pelosi the luxury of residing in her make believe dream world without being challenged as to her eligibility to participate in Catholic rituals such as Holy Communion.

Until now, that is.

Driven by Catholics angered by Pelosi's schizophrenic "have it both ways" behavior, San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer may be about to abort Pelosi's Unholy Communion.

In a letter delivered to Pelosi's office, Archbishop Niederauer stated that local Catholics are pressuring him to forbid the California Democrat to receive Holy Communion because of her recent televised remarks favoring abortion.

For the benefit of non-Catholics and "Cafeteria Catholics" alike, Holy Communion is the top sacrament of the church. It is supposed to indicate a firm commitment to Church teachings, rather than an empty gesture made only to make one feel better on Sunday mornings.

Archbishop Niederauer's letter was a strong indication that one of America's most prominent politicians may soon be denied the right to take the sacrament in San Francisco.

His letter also offered an olive branch, of sorts, with the Archbishop inviting Pelosi to meet with him to discuss the matter before she is actually denied Holy Communion.

"It is my obligation to teach forthrightly and to shepherd caringly, and that is my intent," said Archbishop Niederauer.

One can only hope that Pelosi will accept the opportunity to learn about Catholicism and abortion from an official with the credentials and knowledge to teach her the truth.

The big question: Does Nancy Pelosi have the moral fortitude to abandon abortion as an inalienable right in favor of respect for all forms of human life?

Obviously, that remains to be seen.


And that's the way it was, the week of September 8, 2008.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is "Community Organizer" the New N Word?

By John W. Lillpop

Shortsighted Democrats are constantly on the prowl for a catch phrase or innocuous expression that can be twisted and manipulated into the immoral equivalent of the N word.

It is called race baiting, an evil practice that has been used for decades by Democrats to mask their lack of palatable solutions to the vital issues of the day.

Now a non-sighted nut ball, known more officially as New York Governor David Paterson, has weighed in by alleging that "community organizer" is racist code-speak for black.

Paterson is the blind, black, and bellicose adulterer-druggie who had the good fortune of being available when Governor Eliot Spitzer decided to spend more time with his family (and defense lawyers) last spring.

Sensing that fellow black Barack Obama was on the verge of a historic meltdown, Paterson recently decided to add his unique vision to the debate by saying, "At this point, Americans wouldn't tolerate a racial appeal. What I'm saying is that there are sneaky ways to try to hurt someone," he said.

Sneaky ways? Now that IS an outrage!

Now that the evils of slavery, Jim Crow, unequal justice, and racial profiling have been addressed, America still has to concern itself with "sneaky" words?

Good heavens, where the *F*** is George Carlin, now that we need him most desperately?

Reporter Don Dahler (see WCBST link) adds that "what disturbed Paterson most was what seemed like derisive laughter on the part of the Republicans at Obama's choice of helping his community rather than getting rich on Wall Street."


Sneaky ways AND derisive laughter? That is downright un-American!

What has America come to when you have edgy Republicans running around deliberately using sneaky ways to hurt people, and then adding insult to injury with derisive laughter?

Clearly, America needs need tough new laws and a cabinet level department reporting directly to the president to investigate, detect, document, prosecute, and eradicate sneaky words and derisive laughter from the political process.

We could name the new law the "Fairness Doctrine," a suitable oxymoron for yet another foolhardy attempt by leftists to annihilate the First Amendment.

Just to show that the government really means business, let's really sock it to the fellow who maliciously attacked Sarah Palin with that sneaky "Lipstick on a Pig" jab, issued to elicit derisive laughter from gooey-eyed liberals not smart enough to recognize a meltdown by their candidate, even when said meltdown was taking place in front of their very eyes!

Still, perhaps there is a simple way to explain this community organizer conundrum so that weepy-eyed liberals like Governor Paterson can understand.

During the Viet Nam War, community organizers were the anti-war moon bats who evaded the military draft and rooted for victory by the North Vietnamese. They were NOT among the brave patriots who were held captive in North Viet Nam prisons, subjected to torture and great bodily harm on a daily basis for years and years.

Jane Fonda was a community organizer back in the 60s and 70s.

John McCain is an American hero and patriot who spent five years as a POW in North Viet Nam.

John McCain was NOT a community organizer!

See my point, Governor?


Worse: Red Lipstick or Green Envy?

By John W. Lillpop

A bitterly chastened Barack Obama is striking out like a rattlesnake in heat now that a gun-toting grandma from Alaska has stolen his thunder, absconded with his female voters, fleeced five million dollars from Chicago donors who should know better, and ripped off his mojo.

This is what happens in the big leagues of politics when a sexist community organizer casts off a 60s-something feminist and her 18 million votes like so many worthless American flags at a Democratic convention.

Things have gotten so nasty for the Messiah that some experts are no longer certain that the Anointed One will be resurrected and seated at the Right hand of power come November 4.

As one would expect from a community organizer who has never held a real job with adult responsibilities, Barack Obama is not handling this CHANGE well.

He was supposed to be the cool, calm, and collected miracle worker who, we were told, was so charismatic and personable that terrorists like Osama bin Laden and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be hypnotized into helpless submission just by gazing into his Jihad eyes.

Terrorists who would normally enthuse at the prospects of stoning a woman to death for the unconscionable act of being a rape victim would be converted into Red Cross volunteers after just three or four minutes of spiritual meditation with the Anointed One.

However, all of that style and class escaped from Obama's persona when he slithered from the gutter and declared "Lipstick on a pig, still a pig," an ugly comment created by slimy left-wing bloggers in Obama's name.

At first blush, John McCain and Sarah appeared outraged by the Obama slam.

Until, that is, pollsters started to report that Obama's sexist drivel was driving women to the McCain-Palin ticket in droves.

Now the McCain-Palin team is praying that Obama will say something equally as idiotic again, as soon as possible.

Given enough Obama public statements to feast on, the McCain-Palin may be able to win the election without the need to campaign further.

Speak to us again, Holy Community Organizer!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Barack Obama's Cruel 9/11 Message

By John W. Lillpop

America is about to commemorate the seventh anniversary of 9/11. We do so while embroiled in a hotly contested national election.

Under the circumstances, one would expect candidates from both major political parties to deliver inspirational eulogies on behalf of the 3,000 victims and their families, and to remind Americans of the urgent need to remain ever diligent in fighting Islamofascism.

Unfortunately, delivering uplifting cries of patriotism is simply not in the DNA of most liberals, including the erstwhile community coordinator now serving as standard bearer for the Democrat Party.

Rather than working to unify Americans in remembrance of that awful September morning and of the wars that must still be waged and won in order to preserve American independence and freedom, Democrat Barack Obama has made statements which suggest that he sides with terrorists.

As reported by Aaron Klein at wnd.com,

"Obama's comments about legitimate causes' of terror groups and 'root problems of causes and dangers' seems to echo little-noticed remarks the presidential candidate made eight days after 9/11 in which he said the attacks were carried out because of a lack of "empathy" for others' suffering on the part of al-Qaida, whose terrorist ideology 'grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.'

"Obama went on to imply the Sept. 11 attacks were, in part, a result of U.S. policy, lecturing the American military to minimize civilian casualties in the Middle East and urging action opposing 'bigotry or discrimination directed against neighbors and friends of Middle-Eastern descent.'

"Even as I hope for some measure of peace and comfort to the bereaved families, I must also hope that we, as a nation, draw some measure of wisdom from this tragedy," Obama wrote in a piece about 9/11 published Sept. 19, 2001, in Chicago's Hyde Park Herald."


All of which proves that, despite his protestations to the contrary, Obama was indeed paying attention during the terrorist-friendly rants delivered by Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Furthermore, if Obama wants the U.S. to determine the "root causes" for 9/11, then he seems to be implying that ramming jumbo jets into New York City skyscrapers and the Pentagon might be more acceptable if we only knew WHY the terrorists decided to cremate 3,000 innocent Americans, while said victims were still alive.

Perhaps Mohamed Atta had a disturbed childhood in which he was unfairly denied the opportunity to become a suicide bomber, and 9/11 was his way of acting out against overly strict parents?

Or perhaps Osama bin Laden desires to murder tens of millions of Americans because, during his youth, he was molested by a gay mullah in an isolated cave?

Reality check: Perhaps Obama's "my Muslim faith," faux pas was not really a slip of tongue at all?

According to people who think like Obama and Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA), instead of attacking Al-Quaeda conclaves in Afghanistan in October, 2001, President Bush should have offered to meet with OBL and other Islamofascist terrorists to determine the "root causes" for the wanton murders on 9/11.

Hear ye, hear ye, progressive dim wits everywhere:

Islamofascists attacked America because they want to destroy our way of life and replace it with Sharia law and mandatory conscription into the army of Allah!


There is no romantic sub-plot here. Osama bin Laden and Al-Quaeda would incinerate every home in America if they were able because they hate Democracy, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, atheism, feminism--everything that falls short of reverence for, and obedience to, Allah!

Granted that Barack Obama is much too young to know much about Pearl Harbor, another grave attack on America.

However, any man or woman who aspires to the presidency of the United States should make an honest attempt to understand history.

Pearl Harbor 101, for Obama and friends:

President Franklin Roosevelt and the U.S. Congress did NOT waste precious time trying to determine the "root cause" behind the Japanese attack that left 2,500 American sailors dead in Pearl Harbor!

Instead, America declared war on the enemy, took actions necessary to execute that war, remained steadfast in determination to win, and eventually did win the war!

The lesson? When Americans have been attacked and are at risk of being attacked again, damn legitimate claims and root causes!

To paraphrase President Bush, who despite all his other failings, has thus far prevented a second 9/11 from happening on his watch, "Either you are with us or you are against us!"

Which is it, Senator?



Monday, September 8, 2008

Would "Fairness Doctrine" Force Oprah to Interview Sarah?

By John W. Lillpop

Oprah Winfrey's refusal to interview Sarah Palin will not cost the television mogul a regular viewer in my home.

There are no Oprah addicts here to begin with, have never been, and never will be because Winfrey's narrow-minded definition of herself as a "victim" is offensive.

Victim status legitimately goes to those fighting to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads, problems not often faced by billionaire talk show hostesses.

Winfrey is much like Michelle Obama in the sense that, despite being hugely successful and prosperous, both women harbor deep resentments against America.

Each refuses to credit America for the exceptional opportunities that have been afforded them; neither is grateful or "proud" to be American.

Winfrey apparently finds Sarah Palin "too white" for her television show. On the other hand, Barack Obama's skin pigmentation seemed to blend in nicely with Winfrey's biases and prejudices.

The big question: How might Winfrey react if she were forced to interview Sarah by a fascist government bent on enforcing the resurrected Fairness Doctrine?


Sarahmania! Drives Liberal Stooges Matthews and Olbermann off Air!

By John W. Lillpop

As further evidence of the devastating power of Sarahmania!, executives at MSNBC have decided to clean up the polluted airwaves by removing liberal stench merchants Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann as anchors of live political events.

Matthews, who admits that he wets his pants in excitement when covering Barack Obama, will continue to disgrace journalism with "Hard Ball," a daily tragedy in which the host takes five minutes to ask each of his questions, and then refuses to allow assembled guests to answer.

Perhaps Matthews' narcissistic self-talk will be countered when liberals resurrect the Fairness Doctrine?

Olbermann, a failed and embittered sportscaster, will continue with "Countdown," another dismal embarrassment on a network that should know better. This untidy bundle of liberal insanity is still trying to remember how to count to 10, wasting valuable network time in the process.

Dr. Oscar Newton, Olbermann's behind the scenes psychiatrist, speaking on condition of anonymity, admits that he administers Prozac and Lithium cocktails to the least talented commie on television, just to keep Olbermann from having a full-scale nervous breakdown during prime time.

To its credit, MSNBC has made a major concession to objectivity and professionalism by expunging Matthews and Olbermann.

Viva Sarahmania!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Aborting Nancy Pelosi's Unholy Communion

By John W. Lillpop

Nancy Pelosi is an intrepid progressive who rarely deviates from the basic tenets of liberalism, including devout worship of abortion rights, the Holy Grail of liberalism.

She is also a Catholic, a fact that would appear to be in direct conflict with her stance on abortion. In a recent stint on Meet the Press, Pelosi was asked to reconcile the conflict by host Tom Brokaw.

Pelosi's response shocked good Catholics, as well as some not-so-good ones, from coast to coast, and cast a pall over the mental health of the woman who stands third in line for succession to the United States presidency.

She essentially said that that church fathers, such as St. Augustine, had not defined over the centuries when life begins nor did they have a solid position on abortion.

Understand that Nancy Pelosi has never been mistaken for an intellectual, or a gifted genius with obvious potential to own Mensa.

Nor does the Lady bring the credentials of a theological scholar to the debate.

Still, by claiming that the Catholic Church does not own a solid position on abortion, Madam Speaker crashed through the incredulity ceiling with greater force than when she became the first woman Speaker of the United States House.

She also sent some Catholics into comatose shock upon learning of her confusion on an issue so critical to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Then again, Pelosi lives in San Francisco where progressive ideology usually trumps religious values every day of the week, 24/7.

Living in The City has given Pelosi the luxury of residing in her make believe dream world without being challenged as to her eligibility to participate in Catholic rituals such as Holy Communion.

Until now, that is.

Egged on by Catholics angered by Pelosi's schizophrenic "have it both ways" behavior, San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer may be about to put an end to Pelosi's Unholy Communion.

In a letter delivered to Pelosi's office, Archbishop Niederauer stated that local Catholics are pressuring him to forbid the California Democrat to receive Holy Communion because of her recent televised remarks favoring abortion.

For the benefit of non-Catholics and "Cafeteria Catholics" alike, Holy Communion is the top sacrament of the church. It is supposed to indicate a firm commitment to Church teachings, rather than an empty gesture made only to make one feel better on Sunday mornings.

Archbishop Niederauer's letter was a strong indication that one of America's most prominent politicians may soon be denied the right to take the sacrament in San Francisco.

His letter also offered an olive branch, of sorts, with the Archbishop inviting Pelosi to meet with him to discuss the matter before she is actually denied Holy Communion.

"It is my obligation to teach forthrightly and to shepherd caringly, and that is my intent," said Archbishop Niederauer.


One can only hope that Pelosi will accept the opportunity to learn about Catholicism and abortion from an official with the credentials and knowledge to teach her the truth.

The big question: Does Nancy Pelosi have the moral fortitude to abandon abortion as an inalienable right in favor of respect for all forms of human life?

Obviously, that remains to be seen.


Friday, September 5, 2008

A "Progressive" Checkist for Culling Out Racists

By John W. Lillpop

As a point of reference, racist is formally defined as follows:

Racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.

In the on-line dictionary from which that definition was derived, the word "white" was omitted before the word "person," no doubt the product of biased editing by a red-necked scalawag from the Old South still immersed in denial.

Keeping the formal definition above in mind, compare it to the applications used by politically correct progressives, ever watchful for wedge issues with which to divide the American people.

According to progressives, you are a racist if you:

*Are on record as believing that American culture, including contributions made by angry white Christian men, has produced the greatest and most successful society in human history;

*Get goose bumps and shivers up and down your spine when Old Glory is feted or when the Star Spangled Banner is performed;

*Believe that America is a sovereign nation and, as such, perfectly justified in securing our borders against invasion by illegal aliens and other criminals;

*Believe that the rule of law is a basic tenet of American democracy, and, as such, inviolable;

*Support enforcement of the Immigration Reform Control Act of 1986;

*Are proud of the English language, and support making English the official language of commerce, law, education, and culture in America;

*Oppose affirmative action, bilingualism and other reverse discrimination outrages;

*Believe that the federal government should prevent illegal aliens from taking over American streets to demand rights and benefits reserved for U.S. citizens;

*Believe that Uncle Sam has an obligation to round up and deport illegal aliens, particularly during time of war;

*Believe that legislation is urgently needed to prevent illegal aliens from using "anchor babies" to circumvent U.S. law;

*Adamantly oppose amnesty, defined as anything short of deportation;

*Regard "Sanctuary Cities" as serious violations of federal law that should cause city officials to be arrested and prosecutedl

*Believe that in-state tuition breaks, driver's licenses, and other progressive hand outs serve only to attract even more illegal aliens and should be unlawful;

*Oppose the use of taxpayer funds to print ballots, government information, and educational materials in languages other than English;

*Own two or more American flags and participate in tawdry displays of excessive Americanism on Flag Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and other patriotic holidays;

* Have knowingly registered or, perish the thought, voted Republican within the past 50 years;

*Have no concrete, verifiable plans to vote for Barack Obama;

*Have entertained even a single positive thought about John McCain, or a single negative impulse about Barack Obama, and

*Are Caucasian, or look suspiciously like a Caucasian.

Please note that this checklist does not apply to African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, or Native Americans because people from those racial and ethnic backgrounds are genetically incapable of being racists!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why the Gooey-Eyed Obsession With Bilingualism by Liberals?

By John W. Lillpop

Just what is it about bilingualism that pushes certain liberals over the edge and into the streets as "Tower of Babel" sales sharks?

Take Barack Obama, for example.

Although the Anointed One rarely makes much sense, his cynical brand of extremism was particularly evident when he foolishly chided Americans for not being more language diverse.
This despite the fact that the Messiah is, himself, fluent only in English. Bilingual he is not, and not likely to become.

Obama's offensive language meddling reflects a gooey-eyed predilection for bilingualism common among confused liberals.

According to "progressive" standards, speaking at least two languages automatically makes one a better citizen of the world, more spiritual, more human, more deserving of everything including sexual pleasure.

Proficiency in three or more languages confers the honor of Intellectual Elitist on one so blessed, according to liberals.


Fact of the matter is that bilingualism is promoted in America for two equally scandalous reasons:

* To provide additional income for teachers who specialize in ripping off the public in multiple languages, a skill which earns said educators premium pay, and

* To pander to newcomers, including illegal aliens, who want all of the goodies accruing to those living in America, but who have absolutely no interest whatsoever in assimilating into American mainstream culture.

Despite the fact that English is the language of international business as well as being mandatory for those who work in the airline industry everywhere on the planet, many Hispanics are down right skittish when it comes to English.

For such people, bilingualism is cool, provided that the two languages involved are Mexican and Spanish.

When push comes to shove, these people inevitably stoop to charges of Racism! against Americans who advocate preservation of English as the language of commerce, law, education, government, and culture in these United States.

Unfortunately, liberals almost always join Hispanics in their bitter opposition to English; greedy Democratic politicians trolling for Hispanic votes are the culprits here.

However, while the left can be counted on to scream Racism! at anything even remotely resembling pro-English advocacy, these same warriors become dead silent when it comes to Hispanics and their fondness for Spanish.

How is it that American citizens who are strongly pro-English can be logically thought of as bigoted racists, while Hispanics who are just as ardently pro-Spanish (and anti-English) are not?

During his "talking down" to American parents about language diversity, Barack Obama went so far as to suggest that adults should assure that their children can speak and understand Spanish.

Time to wake up, Mr. Obama, and other out-of-touch liberals!

Trashing people for speaking their native tongue at home, and then nagging at them to learn a foreign language common to illegal aliens, may be cool for a "Community Organizer" in Illinois, but it is downright foolish for a man with his sights set on a White House in a very black neighborhood in Washington, D.C.

Rather than encouraging Americans to learn Spanish, Obama should remind Hispanic parents that English is the international language of business, and is increasingly so every day.

Hispanic parents with a genuine concern for the future well being of their children should make sure that those children can speak, write, and understand English. Fluently!

Which is not to say that proficiency in multiple languages should not be encouraged.

However, it is to say that first and foremost, children should be taught English. Nothing should interfere with achievement of that objective.

For enlightenment, consider what is happening in France:

As reported in the Daily Mail article found at the link, Xavier Darcos, France's Education Minister, has now admitted for the first time that the secret to success is speaking better English, and says that poor English is a 'handicap' because all international business is conducted in the language.

Darcos added that he wanted to make it easier for all French students to learn English, saying that 'while well-off families pay for study sessions abroad, I'm offering them to everyone right here.'

He went on to state that said French schools would offer extra English lessons during the holidays.


A final admonition to Hispanics: By all means, teach your children Spanish if that is your wish, but not until they are completely fluent and literate in English!


BREAKING NEWS: Obama Family Scandal!

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Even though Barack Obama is seen by most Democrats as the Promised One of the New Age, the truth is that Obama is not invincible nor is he immune from being ambushed by a plethora of unpleasant revelations between now and November 4.

For example, some time ago Lynne Cheney unloaded a bombshell that could literally put an end to Obama's quest for the White House. Mrs. Cheney announced that her genealogical meddling had unearthed the fact that Vice President Dick Cheney and Democrat Barack Obama Are Eighth Cousins!


How utterly clever it would be for Republicans to re-reveal that information just as the election wars start to heat up, knowing full well that Obama faces an uphill battle in trying to overcome the perception that he "is not black enough," for some African American voters.

Being found cavorting about in the Cheney family tree is unlikely to make Obama appear any blacker to already-skeptical African-Americans, and it could be the worst possible news for his campaign.

Possibly worse: Disclosure of the fact that Joseph Biden's youngest daughter became pregnant outside the institution of marriage, but defied her liberal upbringing by refusing to abort the child. Not that is an outrage!

Still, there are obvious similarities between Obama and Cheney:

To begin with, both are clean and articulate.

Both are committed to winning the war on terror. The only difference being that Cheney is pulling for America to win, while Obama seems partial to the Jihad bunch.

Both are concerned about illegal aliens. Cheney wants to let millions more in for cheap labor, Obama wants them here for cheap votes.

Both have deep respect for gays and lesbians. Cheney because of family, Obama, again, because of votes.

Cheney and Obama have sharp differences, too:

Obama would invade allies like Pakistan; whereas, Cheney prefers to invade nations with huge oil reserves and infrastructure ruined by "shock and awe" campaigns executed by the U.S. military.

Obama hates guns of all sorts, Cheney prefers to have a 28-gauge shotgun at the ready when needed to keep snotty lawyers on their toes.

Obama is pro-choice, Cheney believes that abortions rob America of the young men and women needed to invade and occupy foreign nations.

Obama is the picture of youth and health, Cheney is a crusty old bird with a wonky heart.

Final analysis: Barack Obama, You're no Ronald Reagan, but you may be Dick Cheney!

Give 'em Hell, Sarah!

By John Lillpop

Oh, what a night!

Democrats and other enemies of America were put on notice, in no uncertain terms, that Republicans intend to wage holy war in order to preserve the institutions and values that have made ours the most successful society in human history.

Leading the call to battle this night was Sarah Palin, a drop-dead beautiful reformer who knows right from wrong, is not embarrassed by her old-fashioned values, and who is determined to do her part to prevent this great nation from falling into the hands of people who hate America and everything this nation stands for!

Sarah Palin was dynamic, tough-minded and forceful. She came out swinging against those naive enough to believe that being a "community organizer" provides one with sufficient experience and mettle to be president of the United States, when what America really needs is a commander-in-chief with the intelligence,courage,chutzpah, and experience to defend our nation against forces committed to destroying our nation, our Constitution, and our way of life.

Sarah Palin completely understands the fact that we live in a very dangerous world, one in which the president must be ready to do battle in order to survive. She is under no foolish illusion that simply talking to the likes of terrorists Osama bin Laden or Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will bring harmony or peace.

Sarah Palin does not live a fairy tale existence by pretending that there is no evil. She accepts the truth and knows sometimes the only way to defeat evil is through the use of force.

Some of Palin's most fiery rhetoric was reserved for the liberal mainstream media as in this warning:

"Here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion. I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country."

With that, Sarah Palin set the stage for a fascinating donnybrook that will, over the next 61 days, determine whether or not our democracy will be here to serve our children and grandchildren in the years to come.

God Bless America and Sarah Palin!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Liberals Mourn As Big Easy Survives Gustav

By John W. Lillpop

With gleeful liberals and mainstream media vultures conjoined in readiness to celebrate the devastation of Hurricane Gustav as yet another legacy item in failed Republican governance, Mother Nature double-crossed the blood thirsty bleeding hearts by leaving New Orleans mostly intact.

By demoting Gustav to a Category 2 storm from the expected 5, Mother Nature rained on Labor Day festivities for leftists eagerly anticipating the sight of thousands of poor black folk abandoned in filthy flood waters and fighting for their very lives.

Instead of producing the expected "bump" for the Anointed One, urgently needed in light of his failure to make a difference with all that CHANGE double talk in Denver, Gustav kicked Big Easy in the groin with fierce winds and vile amounts of rain, but failed to deliver the loss of life and property that the left was desperately preying (spelling correct) for.

After all, a re-run of Katrina-like carnage held great promise for liberals as they schemed and connived to convert human misery into Democrat votes come November 4.

Without the loss of black lives and property to cheer them on, many liberals spent the long weekend wishing for additional home foreclosures, bank failures, and earthquakes, as well as sustained Category 5 strength from storms Helena, Ike and others still brewing in the Atlantic.

Notwithstanding liberal supplications for more human sacrifice as a means for getting out the vote, more awful news came their way, destroying what remained of the Holiday Spirit.

That is so because the once violence- riddled province of Anbar in Iraq was turned over to Iraqi forces, thanks to due diligence exercised by the Bush administration.

In announcing this tragic news (for Democrats), President Bush said, "Iraqi forces will now take the lead in security operations in Anbar, with American troops moving into an overwatch role," in a statement released by the White House.

Wasn't it Harry Reid who declared the war "lost" just a few short months ago? And wasn't it Barack Obama who voted against the surge, and who still refuses to admit that he was wrong?

Still, liberals scrounging about for morsels of human agony to trumpet imagined they had hit the jackpot when it was announced that Bristol Palin, daughter of VP nominee Sarah Palin, is with child, even though Bristol is but seventeen and unmarried.

However, more bad news looms for liberals, because that unborn fetus will not be discarded like so much unwanted animal waste as would be the case were the mother-to-be a liberal advocate of infanticide.

Yes, the young Palin girl had pre-marital sex, and yes that was a mistake.

But at least the Palin family will not murder the innocent, precious human life for the transgressions of the mother.

That truth will become obvious to caring Americans, and will ultimately be to the glory of the Palin family and their unwavering reverence for the sanctity of all human life.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Exposes Evil, Insanity of Hateful Liberals

By John W. Lillpop

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina three years ago, liberal Democrats, in concert with the liberal media, spared no fire in excoriating President Bush and his administration for failing to respond quickly and more effectively to the Category Five killer storm.

Particularly venomous liberals even went so far as to intimate that the Bush government moved slowly, and without appropriate urgency, only because most of Katrina's victims were poor black people.

According to hateful liberals still smarting from having their hides whipped into submission during consecutive presidential elections in 2000 and 2004, significant loss of black lives and property were not seen by the Republican president as sufficient reason to cut short his Crawford, Texas, vacation.

Never before has a natural disaster of epic proportions been so brutally manipulated for political gain as when Democrats used Katrina to bludgeon President Bush in 2005.

Until now, that is.

With Hurricane Gustav threatening to eclipse the horrors of Katrina, idiotic liberals (redundancy alert!) are making headlines again, this time by thanking God for his timing of the storm, and the probability that it will interfere with the Republican Convention.

Apparently "brilliant" liberals like former DNC Chairman Don Fowler and obesity clown Michael Moore believe that God is more than willing to kill a few thousand poor folks and make tens of thousands more of them homeless just to vent divine rage against fat cat Republicans.

Michael Moore, whose layers of ugly fat could feed thousands of refugees were it not for the toxicity of his blubber, had this inspiring message:

“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said, laughing. “To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River.."


Moore was joined in his stupid hate speech by another single-digit IQ liberal, that being former DNC Chairman Don Fowler who weighed in with concern for those in Gutstav's path with these enlightened words:

"The hurricane’s going to hit New Orleans about the time they start. The timing is -- at least it appears now that it’ll be there Monday. That just demonstrates that God’s on our side. [Laughter] Everything’s cool."


Where, oh where, among those comments by "bleeding heart" liberals Fowler and Moore is the slightest empathy or concern for the thousands of poor Americans about to be devastated by Hurricane Gustav?

Again, the mindless drivel uttered by Michael Moore and Don Fowler proves that liberalism is the mother of hypocrisy!