Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
John McCain's "Anger" About Oil: Epiphany or Senior Moment?
By John W. Lillpop
As an independent conservative who refuses to salivate and or worship at the feet of any politician simply because an R is attached to his name, I was nonetheless momentarily tempted by a headline concerning the GOP liberal running for the presidency.
That would be John McCain, who earned a headline in the NY Sun reading McCain "Angry" About Oil.
NYSUN: http://www.nysun.com/national/mccain-on-wall-street-angry-about-oil/79981/
Hooray, I naively enthused, thinking that McCain had launched a hard-hitting attack on Congressional Marxists who have obstructed every effort to make America energy independent and free from addiction to oil from the middle east, Russia, Venezuela, and other entities hostile to Uncle Sam.
I was most eager to read that McCain had targeted reckless liberals who have blocked drilling for new oil reserves, obstructed the installation of additional refining capacity, and who have sabotaged the rebirth of America's once vibrant nuclear option.
Alternatively, perhaps the old boy experienced an epiphany and finally realized that deporting as many as 38 million illegal aliens could have a dramatic impact on demand for gasoline, causing prices to pummel at the pump?
Much to my dismay, McCain appears to have had a "Senior Moment" rather than a common sense epiphany. How else to explain this mumbo jumbo:
"I am very angry, frankly, at the oil companies not only because of the obscene profits they've made but at their failure to invest in alternate energy to help us eliminate our dependence on foreign oil," the senator said.
"They're making huge profits and that happens, but not to say, 'We're in this so we can over time eliminate America's dependence on foreign oil,' I think is an abrogation of their responsibilities as citizens."
Obscene profits? Private companies have a patriotic duty to spend money on alternative energy?
With all due respect Senator, one would expect those words from Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, or even Jimmy Carter.
But from a "conservative" Republican?
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