By John W. Lillpop
When Richard Millhouse Nixon boarded a US Helicopter on the lawn on the White House on August 9, 1974, America celebrated the end of one of the most tyrannical, paranoid and dangerous administrations in U.S. history.
Nixon's successor, Gerald Ford, summed up the situation nicely when he said at the time, ""Our long national nightmare is over."
And so it was.
Nearly thirty-four years later, America again has cause to rejoice the end of a political career that would have spelled ruin for the nation had that career been allowed to continue.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, America's leftist imitation of Richard Nixon, was shoved back into her box this week, putting an end to her dream of being the first woman, aside from Monica Lewinsky, to have her way in the Oval Office.
Not since the days of Richard Nixon has there been an American political figure so utterly despised by so many Americans. It is worth noting that Richard Nixon had to become president in order to attain notoriety as Public Enemy # 1; Hillary Clinton achieved the same distinction by just running.
Which is quite understandable, given the fact that seventeen months of lies, corruption, and fascist manipulation from a feminist socialist like HRC is clearly more repulsive than eight years of abuse at the hands of the deluded Nixon.
All in all, America has much to celebrate, as our "least favorite daughter" no longer poses a threat to the sanity and purity of the White House.
One might even say that, with the death of Hillary's fairy tale about inevitability, "Our long national nightmare is over."
Long live the death of inevitability!