By John W. Lillpop
Why is it that those who preach that "our diversity is our greatest strength" the loudest are often the least tolerant and the most non-inclusive?
A perfect example is the endless and mindless controversy over the Confederate Flag that reared it's ugly head in Bloomington, Minnesota this week.
Specifically, three seniors at John F. Kennedy High School were suspended and restricted from the diploma ceremony because they were "carrying and waving" Confederate flags.
Rick Kaufman, a spokesman for the Bloomington Public School district, actually said the following while attempting to justify the suspension of the students:
"We believe — and have communicated with students — that the Confederate flag represents hatred, bigotry, intolerance, slavery, civil rights issues and discrimination."
Why is it not a federal crime for any educator to deliver such a bigoted, intolerant, and hateful message to young students? Kaufman clearly does have any appreciation of free speech or tolerance.
And he certainly has zero understanding of America's South.
America has fought many foreign enemies over the life of this republic, including Japan and Germany in World War 11.
But in 2008, the Japanese are an important ally of America, and Americans no longer discriminate against Japan because of December 7, 1941 and Pearl Harbor.
Likewise Germany, where America works in partnership with our German friends, notwithstanding the Holocaust and other atrocities from Hitler's reign.
Even more outrageous, over the past few years, Americans have seen foreigners (illegal aliens)take over our streets whilst flying the flag of Mexico in order to demand non-existent rights.
If ever there was a flag that should be banned in America, surely it is the flag of Mexico, our third-world neighbors who dump their illiterate peasants on the US side of the border for US taxpayers to support!
How is it that some Americans can forgive and forget when it comes to foreign enemies, but cannot tolerate the flying of the Confederate Flag by our Southern brethren?
To many, the Confederate Flag represents a slower pace of life, pretty belles with charming Southern drawls, down home folks who are honest, open and friendly, blistering hot summers, baseball, car racing, and Southern fried chicken.
When I see the Confederate Flag, I think of country music, eating watermelon and BBQed steak in the back yard in July, fighting off mosquitoes bigger than most dogs, swimming in creeks, and the soothing, reassuring melody orchestrated by country crickets.
Best of all, the Confederate Flag conjures up images of tranquil and serene Southern churches, black congregations being among the most colorful and spiritual.
It is true that many African-Americans see only "hatred, bigotry, intolerance, slavery, civil rights issues and discrimination" in the Confederate Flag.
To such people, one bit of advice seems appropriate: Get over it and give diversity a chance!