Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
In Arizona, It's a Young Rocket Scientist Versus an Old Moon Bat!
By John W. Lillpop
Democrat Raul Grijalva is arguably one of the most extreme liberals in the U.S House where he has “served” the people of Arizona’s 7th Congressional District going since 2003.
Grijalva has parlayed his Hispanic ethnicity and extreme views into four winning campaigns, mostly without significant opposition from Republicans.
Some derisively call Grijalva the “Best congressman Mexico ever had,” and with good cause.
Grijalva has spent the past two years walking lock -step with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, fully supporting their Marxist agenda which has wrought nothing but ruin, and which the American people are fed up with.
Coming into this election cycle, Grijalva seemed unbeatable for yet another term.
However, in the volatile debate over SB 1070, Arizona’s bill for dealing with illegal aliens, Grijalva actually joined those who demanded a boycott of Arizona businesses and products.
Repeat: With unemployment and a wretched economy haunting Arizona and all of America, Raul Grijalva actually demanded a boycott of Arizona, his home state!
Even more pathetically, Grijalva made his stand over a law desperately needed to combat illegal aliens!
Grijalva’s Special Olympics performance on SB 1070 has opened the door to a legitimate challenge from a conservative Republican.
The conservative Republican seeking to bring common sense back to Arizona 7 is Ruth McClung, a young physicist currently working as a rocket scientist at a local engineering company.
With her education and conservative background, Ruth McClung can be relied on to NEVER do something as stupid as promotong a boycott of Arizona, which will only harm the good people of this state.
In sum: Arizona voters in the 7th District must decide between an educated rocket scientest with conservative values and an Obama/Pelosi moon bat.
Ruth McClung is the best choice on November 2!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Obama "Barking" Up Wrong Tree?
By John W. Lillpop
Like a whiny infant upset by diaper rash and sour pablum, President Obama recently exposed his childish inability to handle criticism and opposition of any sort.
In Milwaukee at a labor-day festival to stroke big labor unions, Obama announced another $50 billion dollar “stimulus” proposal to revive the American economy which has yet to recover from his trillion-dollar folly signed into law 20 months ago.
Have you checked with VP Biden lately, Mr. President? He seems to think that America is “headed in the right direction," even with unemployment on the rise and the economy in shambles.
Perhaps Biden knows something that you do not, sir? As difficult as that is to fathom, stranger things have happened, although I’ll be damned if I can name any.
Back to Milwaukee and what amounts to Obama’s rattle-rousing against the Republicans.
As reported in the media, Obama complained that Republicans,“talk about me like a dog."
Like a dog, sir?
That seems most unlikely, sir, given the fact that the dog is generally considered “man’s best friend,” a designation that few, if any, Republicans would bestow on you or anyone in your failed administration.
As to another stimulus program, sir, most Republicans would be delighted to join you in a program that has a chance to work. Do you or Joe know of any positive benefit from the trillion-dollar mistake of 2009?
As far as Republicans talking about you as if you are a dog, why not shut them up with a common sense action to improve the economy? Like extending the Bush tax cuts?
That will send the hyenas scrambling for cover, sir,
Otherwise, just roll over and get ready to spend the next two years in the dog house, run by John Boehner!
Like a whiny infant upset by diaper rash and sour pablum, President Obama recently exposed his childish inability to handle criticism and opposition of any sort.
In Milwaukee at a labor-day festival to stroke big labor unions, Obama announced another $50 billion dollar “stimulus” proposal to revive the American economy which has yet to recover from his trillion-dollar folly signed into law 20 months ago.
Have you checked with VP Biden lately, Mr. President? He seems to think that America is “headed in the right direction," even with unemployment on the rise and the economy in shambles.
Perhaps Biden knows something that you do not, sir? As difficult as that is to fathom, stranger things have happened, although I’ll be damned if I can name any.
Back to Milwaukee and what amounts to Obama’s rattle-rousing against the Republicans.
As reported in the media, Obama complained that Republicans,“talk about me like a dog."
Like a dog, sir?
That seems most unlikely, sir, given the fact that the dog is generally considered “man’s best friend,” a designation that few, if any, Republicans would bestow on you or anyone in your failed administration.
As to another stimulus program, sir, most Republicans would be delighted to join you in a program that has a chance to work. Do you or Joe know of any positive benefit from the trillion-dollar mistake of 2009?
As far as Republicans talking about you as if you are a dog, why not shut them up with a common sense action to improve the economy? Like extending the Bush tax cuts?
That will send the hyenas scrambling for cover, sir,
Otherwise, just roll over and get ready to spend the next two years in the dog house, run by John Boehner!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Pelosi's Marching Orders for Catholic Clergy: What About Gay Marriage and Abortion, Madam Speaker?
By John W. Lillpop
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is without a doubt a master of hypocrisy, as evidenced by her latest mind-boggling marching orders concerning illegal immigration, which Pelosi believes should be a high priority for Catholic clergy.
As reported in the media, Pelosi said the following, in part:
“I would hope that there’s one thing that we can do working together as we go forward that speaks to what the Bible tells us about the dignity and worth of every person -- and that is on the subject of immigration,” Pelosi said in her remarks. “Because I think the Church is going to have to play a very major role in how we, in how people are treated.”
“The cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops that come to me and say, ‘We want you to pass immigration reform,’” disclosed Pelosi. “And I say, ‘But I want you to speak about it from the pulpit.'
“I want you to instruct your, whatever the communication is -- the people, some of them, oppose immigration reform are sitting in those pews and you have to tell them that this is a ‘manifestation of our living the gospels,’” said Pelosi. “Our patron saint of San Francisco, St. Francis of Assisi, he said, ‘preach the gospel --sometimes use words.’ We need the words to be said because it isn’t being picked up automatically.”
INSTRUCT, Madam Speaker? Is it really a legitimate role of clergy to tell parishioners what to think and believe?
If so, what about gay marriage and abortion, behaviors which Pope Benedict XVI called some of the most "insidious and dangerous" threats facing the world today,” at reference1?
Is it your position that cardinals, archbishops, and the bishops should “instruct” parishioners against those “insidious and dangerous" threats, Madam Speaker?
I thought not.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is without a doubt a master of hypocrisy, as evidenced by her latest mind-boggling marching orders concerning illegal immigration, which Pelosi believes should be a high priority for Catholic clergy.
As reported in the media, Pelosi said the following, in part:
“I would hope that there’s one thing that we can do working together as we go forward that speaks to what the Bible tells us about the dignity and worth of every person -- and that is on the subject of immigration,” Pelosi said in her remarks. “Because I think the Church is going to have to play a very major role in how we, in how people are treated.”
“The cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops that come to me and say, ‘We want you to pass immigration reform,’” disclosed Pelosi. “And I say, ‘But I want you to speak about it from the pulpit.'
“I want you to instruct your, whatever the communication is -- the people, some of them, oppose immigration reform are sitting in those pews and you have to tell them that this is a ‘manifestation of our living the gospels,’” said Pelosi. “Our patron saint of San Francisco, St. Francis of Assisi, he said, ‘preach the gospel --sometimes use words.’ We need the words to be said because it isn’t being picked up automatically.”
INSTRUCT, Madam Speaker? Is it really a legitimate role of clergy to tell parishioners what to think and believe?
If so, what about gay marriage and abortion, behaviors which Pope Benedict XVI called some of the most "insidious and dangerous" threats facing the world today,” at reference1?
Is it your position that cardinals, archbishops, and the bishops should “instruct” parishioners against those “insidious and dangerous" threats, Madam Speaker?
I thought not.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Obama’s Dangerous Naïveté Concerning Self-Defense
By John W. Lillpop
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama made it perfectly clear that the use of disproportionate force was sometimes necessary to defend one’s self.
Of course, he was referring to Republicans challenging his presidential aspirations and other delusions of grandeur.
As reported in the June 18, 2008 Wall Street Journal, in part (1):
“Mobster wisdom tells us never to bring a knife to a gun fight. But what does political wisdom say about bringing a gun to a knife fight?
“That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night.”
Hmmmmmm. Wonder why Obama did not say the following during the 2008 campaign: We will never bring guns to the fight, regardless of how violent Republicans become?
That would have been consistent with his wuss talk about taking the nuclear option off the table in order to defend America.
As reported, in part, at the New York Times (2):
“WASHINGTON — President Obama said Monday that he was revamping American nuclear strategy to substantially narrow the conditions under which the United States would use nuclear weapons.
“Discussing his approach to nuclear security the day before formally releasing his new strategy, Mr. Obama described his policy as part of a broader effort to edge the world toward making nuclear weapons obsolete, and to create incentives for countries to give up any nuclear ambitions. To set an example, the new strategy renounces the development of any new nuclear weapons, overruling the initial position of his own defense secretary.
“Mr. Obama’s strategy is a sharp shift from those of his predecessors and seeks to revamp the nation’s nuclear posture for a new age in which rogue states and terrorist organizations are greater threats than traditional powers like Russia and China.”
To moon bats on the left, Obama’s conflicting arguments make perfect sense: After all, fighting patriotic Republicans is far more vital than defending America against foreign evil-doers.
Once again, Barack Obama proves conclusively that, regardless of where he was born, he is not an American!
1 http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/06/14/obama-if-they-bring-a-knife-to-the-fight-we-bring-a-gun/
2 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/world/06arms.html
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Is Barack Obama Mocking Chris Rock?
By John W. Lillpop
President Obama has managed, in just fourteen short months, to turn the words hope and change into bitter reminders of the fact that high-sounding oratory, without substance to back it up, can lead to disaster.
America used to have an independent, unbiased mainstream media that we relied on to bring simplistic rhetoric and exaggerated promises strewn about by ambitious politicians into perspective.
Like a school of hungry sharks sensing freshly-spilled blood in the water, American media could be counted on to rip and tear away at vulnerable wounds in order to uncover skeletal remains lurking in the closets of those whom would govern.
Vetting by the media was an invaluable, although despised, part of the American political process that protected lazy Americans from the foolish prattle proliferated by politicians without substance in their dossiers.
We counted on blood-thirsty sharks in the media pool to challenge the words, integrity, and claimed capabilities of the candidates and to share their findings in an objective and reasoned manner.
In a most unfortunate turn of events, the media lost its collective taste for blood with the arrival of Barack Obama on the national political scene three years ago.
This young, handsome man was highly articulate, obviously intelligent, very liberal, and photogenic.
Best of all, Barack Obama was an African-American with the potential to assuage liberal guilt over slavery, Jim Crow laws, and a history of racial discrimination, all in one fell swoop.
He was immediately bequeathed the Torch of John F. Kennedy by the media, still in awe that a black man could be so clean and articulate. Visions of a resurrected Camelot danced about in the minds of leftists from coast to coast.
There were no probing reviews of Obama’s candidacy. No one bothered to ask what he knew about the global economy, foreign policy, or even American history. No one bothered to do a critical assessment of his experience and accomplishments with regard to the responsibilities of the US Presidency.
Barack Obama was largely an unknown quantity to the American people and to the mainstream media three years ago; his tenure in the US Senate was brief and undistinguished. There was precious little in his background to suggest that he was qualified to take on the presidency.
However, he was eloquent, liberal, and black and not George W. Bush. Those qualities apparently trumped the need for substance, at least in the hearts and minds of the star-struck media.
Who the hell needs substance when the candidate can drive a “thrill” up and down the legs of hard-nosed journalists like Chris Matthews?
In many ways, the Obama candidacy and presidency are a parody of the 2003 flick, Head of State, starring Chris Rock, in which an inexperienced and unqualified candidate rides BS and circumstances into the White House.
The Obama insanity also rivals the Elvis Presley craze of the 1950s, when the young truck driver from Tennessee turned the music world on its heels by swiveling his hips and introducing CHANGE called Rock and Roll to an eager public.
The major difference between Elvis Presley and Barack Obama, however, is that at least Presley could carry a tune and strum a guitar.
The big question of our time comes down to this: Can America recover from the disastrous Obama presidency?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
What's So "Super" About the Super Bowl?
Satire by John W. Lillpop
Next to electing anti-American Marxists to positions of high power and authority, the greatest proof that America is in the midst of a massive cultural and social “dumb down” is the annual carnage known euphemistically as the Super Bowl.
Sold to a gullible public as an epic battle between two great sports titans, in truth this “event” is nothing more than another excuse for the unwashed masses to consume ungodly amounts of chips, burgers, and hot dogs, and to swallow enough beer and other forms of alcohol to solve California’s drought problems for a decade or two, provided that reasonable rationing is enforced.
Think about the curious timing of this so-called spectacular: It happens in early February, which gives the masses enough time to recover from the legal, social, marital, and medical upheavals of the next greatest “drunk out “ in American culture, that being New Year’s Eve.
Moreover, by early February most, if not all, of the meaningless New Year “resolutions” will have been abandoned in favor of returning to the wretched excesses that stimulate Type 2 diabetics, heart disease, grotesque obesity, early dementia, incontinence, strokes and alcoholism.
Fancy heath care reform, Mr. President?
Then push Congress to outlaw professional football, especially the Super Bowl, and watch health care costs drop quicker than your approval ratings!
Then get to work on a jobs bill to assist unemployed beer truck drivers, DWI lawyers, endocrinologists, heart specialists and a few million others in the work force that thrive on America’s addiction to debauchery and suicidal over consumption.
Outlawing football would also eliminate reckless gambling, which costs football fanatics tens of billions of dollars each year.
We know that President Obama is obsessed with the evils of blowing money in Las Vegas, so this should be right up his meddling, nanny-state alley!
What about the needs of dedicated football fans, you ask?
Face it, this so-called sport is nothing more than controlled gang violence staged for the amusement of millions of spoiled brats who sit on their already elongated posteriors in front of plasma televisions for 10-12 hours every Sunday.
The charm of football is best seen in instant replays played in slow motion so that fans can see the spilling of blood and the actual breaking of human necks, arms, backs, and teeth, time and time again. Concussions are a fan favorite.
Bloodthirsty fans can even DVD-tape the carnage for later viewing at church functions, family reunions, weddings, and other occasions held to celebrate traditional American family values.
Heed this clarion call, Mr. President: Outlaw football in order to reform America’s health care system in an intelligent, responsible fashion!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Obama Needs “Stupid Ideas” Czar
By John W. Lillpop
America’s dreadful slide into to a Marxist, third-world abyss can be explained by the fact that our president is a 48 year old spoiled brat, reckless and fickle, unfit for command. Clearly, this president needs a “stupid ideas” czar to filter out his most dangerous ideas before they can be acted on.
Stupid ideas like closing GITMO, and trying KSM in New York City. Like a trillion dollar stimulus bill that has failed to stop the historic rise in unemployment. Like flying off to Copenhagen to campaign for the City of Chicago, only to be humiliated by the IOC. Like driving the national debt completely off the track.
Like criticizing American policy and leaders while on foreign soil. Like hiring 40 czars accountable to no one.
And on and on it goes. An aggressive “Stupid Ideas” czar would have nipped those Obama blunders immediately.
Unfortunately, the elected Congressional officials charged with providing “over sight” of the Executive Branch are too danged old to see their own flaws, much less those of our dithering president.
Consider the ages of these Congressional stalwarts:
Robert Byrd (93)
Diane Feinstein (79)
John McCain (73)
Nancy Pelosi (70)
Barbara Boxer (70)
Harry Reid (70)
John Kerry (67)
Does any one honestly believe that a geezer in his 70s gives a tinker’s dam about running up a federal debt that will be due and payable two generations hence?
The liberals listed above are interested in one thing and one thing only: Spend as much of your money on socialized medicine,illegal aliens, global warming scams and other foolishness as needed to remain in power!
Of course they insist that they are “public servants,” but with all due respect, just how much service is Robert Byrd providing? The man cannot walk, and is barely able to breathe.
Seems to me that a real public servant would do the honorable thing by getting out of the way and allowing a younger, more able Republican to take his fractured seat in the Senate.
Ala Scott Brown, Senator Byrd!
The same applies to Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, McCain, and Reid. Leave office now and let your career end with an act of grace and dedication to the best interests of the American people.
Yes, I know that John McCain is a Republican. But folks the man is more liberal than some communists, and he is just too old to be trusted with the awesome power granted to a US Senator.
We need a mandatory retirement age for the weasels in Congress. How about 65?
We the people also need a “stupid ideas” Czar to keep Obama from ruining his family name and America with stupid policies!
America’s dreadful slide into to a Marxist, third-world abyss can be explained by the fact that our president is a 48 year old spoiled brat, reckless and fickle, unfit for command. Clearly, this president needs a “stupid ideas” czar to filter out his most dangerous ideas before they can be acted on.
Stupid ideas like closing GITMO, and trying KSM in New York City. Like a trillion dollar stimulus bill that has failed to stop the historic rise in unemployment. Like flying off to Copenhagen to campaign for the City of Chicago, only to be humiliated by the IOC. Like driving the national debt completely off the track.
Like criticizing American policy and leaders while on foreign soil. Like hiring 40 czars accountable to no one.
And on and on it goes. An aggressive “Stupid Ideas” czar would have nipped those Obama blunders immediately.
Unfortunately, the elected Congressional officials charged with providing “over sight” of the Executive Branch are too danged old to see their own flaws, much less those of our dithering president.
Consider the ages of these Congressional stalwarts:
Robert Byrd (93)
Diane Feinstein (79)
John McCain (73)
Nancy Pelosi (70)
Barbara Boxer (70)
Harry Reid (70)
John Kerry (67)
Does any one honestly believe that a geezer in his 70s gives a tinker’s dam about running up a federal debt that will be due and payable two generations hence?
The liberals listed above are interested in one thing and one thing only: Spend as much of your money on socialized medicine,illegal aliens, global warming scams and other foolishness as needed to remain in power!
Of course they insist that they are “public servants,” but with all due respect, just how much service is Robert Byrd providing? The man cannot walk, and is barely able to breathe.
Seems to me that a real public servant would do the honorable thing by getting out of the way and allowing a younger, more able Republican to take his fractured seat in the Senate.
Ala Scott Brown, Senator Byrd!
The same applies to Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, McCain, and Reid. Leave office now and let your career end with an act of grace and dedication to the best interests of the American people.
Yes, I know that John McCain is a Republican. But folks the man is more liberal than some communists, and he is just too old to be trusted with the awesome power granted to a US Senator.
We need a mandatory retirement age for the weasels in Congress. How about 65?
We the people also need a “stupid ideas” Czar to keep Obama from ruining his family name and America with stupid policies!
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