By John W. Lillpop
Democrat Raul Grijalva is arguably one of the most extreme liberals in the U.S House where he has “served” the people of Arizona’s 7th Congressional District going since 2003.
Grijalva has parlayed his Hispanic ethnicity and extreme views into four winning campaigns, mostly without significant opposition from Republicans.
Some derisively call Grijalva the “Best congressman Mexico ever had,” and with good cause.
Grijalva has spent the past two years walking lock -step with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, fully supporting their Marxist agenda which has wrought nothing but ruin, and which the American people are fed up with.
Coming into this election cycle, Grijalva seemed unbeatable for yet another term.
However, in the volatile debate over SB 1070, Arizona’s bill for dealing with illegal aliens, Grijalva actually joined those who demanded a boycott of Arizona businesses and products.
Repeat: With unemployment and a wretched economy haunting Arizona and all of America, Raul Grijalva actually demanded a boycott of Arizona, his home state!
Even more pathetically, Grijalva made his stand over a law desperately needed to combat illegal aliens!
Grijalva’s Special Olympics performance on SB 1070 has opened the door to a legitimate challenge from a conservative Republican.
The conservative Republican seeking to bring common sense back to Arizona 7 is Ruth McClung, a young physicist currently working as a rocket scientist at a local engineering company.
With her education and conservative background, Ruth McClung can be relied on to NEVER do something as stupid as promotong a boycott of Arizona, which will only harm the good people of this state.
In sum: Arizona voters in the 7th District must decide between an educated rocket scientest with conservative values and an Obama/Pelosi moon bat.
Ruth McClung is the best choice on November 2!