By John W. Lillpop
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is without a doubt a master of hypocrisy, as evidenced by her latest mind-boggling marching orders concerning illegal immigration, which Pelosi believes should be a high priority for Catholic clergy.
As reported in the media, Pelosi said the following, in part:
“I would hope that there’s one thing that we can do working together as we go forward that speaks to what the Bible tells us about the dignity and worth of every person -- and that is on the subject of immigration,” Pelosi said in her remarks. “Because I think the Church is going to have to play a very major role in how we, in how people are treated.”
“The cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops that come to me and say, ‘We want you to pass immigration reform,’” disclosed Pelosi. “And I say, ‘But I want you to speak about it from the pulpit.'
“I want you to instruct your, whatever the communication is -- the people, some of them, oppose immigration reform are sitting in those pews and you have to tell them that this is a ‘manifestation of our living the gospels,’” said Pelosi. “Our patron saint of San Francisco, St. Francis of Assisi, he said, ‘preach the gospel --sometimes use words.’ We need the words to be said because it isn’t being picked up automatically.”
INSTRUCT, Madam Speaker? Is it really a legitimate role of clergy to tell parishioners what to think and believe?
If so, what about gay marriage and abortion, behaviors which Pope Benedict XVI called some of the most "insidious and dangerous" threats facing the world today,” at reference1?
Is it your position that cardinals, archbishops, and the bishops should “instruct” parishioners against those “insidious and dangerous" threats, Madam Speaker?
I thought not.
Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.