Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "Dubya Left"?

By John W. Lillpop

Regardless of whether one loves or hates former President George W. Bush, no one can deny the fact that Bush-43 often came across as ill informed, confused, and disengaged when speaking publicly.

W.'s lack of communication skills cost the GOP and America dearly when the president was unable to effectively articulate conservative values on issues like the war on terror, social security reform, and the proper role of FEMA in responding to Katrina.

The fact is that conservatives lost many battles in the war for public opinion even though they were right. W. and a very biased liberal media were both to blame.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to be walking in W.'s steps when it comes to being inarticulate and a liability to her party.

For example, Nancy Pelosi's garbled and illogical defense of hundreds of billions of dollars in the economic stimulus plan for non-stimulating boondoggles has been a rallying point for those who care about this nation's fiscal future.

President Obama should be embarrassed by Pelosi's feeble attempt to make left handed pork sound like a solution for an economy that needs jobs.

Almost single-handed, Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that Democrats are willing to exploit the pain and suffering of the American people in order to fund liberal pet projects, which are unrelated to the creation of jobs or stimulation of anything except the pulses of special interest liberals seeking hand outs.

The major difference between President Bush and Pelosi is that the Speaker advocates positions which are completely wrong for America, and which need to be defeated by any means possible.

One can only hope that Pelosi's garbled presentation will do to the liberal agenda what W.'s did to conservatism!