Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How Do You Say "Commie Homophobes" in Spanish?

By John W. Lillpop

Sean Penn used the occasion of the 81st Academy Awards to express his dislike for free speech and contempt for those who disagree with him on the issue same sex marriage.

In thanking the academy for the Oscar he received for his portrayal of Harvey Milk in the movie Milk, Penn addressed the assembled lefties as, "You commie, homo-loving sons of guns!"

A bit gruff and insensitive, perhaps, but, without question, it was the most honest sentence to flow from the lips of Sean Penn on this big night in Hollywood.

He went on to say:

"For those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, think it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect, and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they continue that way of support. We’ve got to have equal rights for everyone.

I’m very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man president. "

Penn's gooey eyed pride over that "elegant man" is particularly odd since President Obama is on record as being against gay marriage.

Mind you, Obama is OK with gay "unions" which is to be expected from a dedicated Marxist!

Penn has another problem involving lack of consistency and hypocrisy: While he is quick to slam Americans for opposing gay marriage, he ardently supports communist dictators like Fidel Castor and Hugo Chavez who not only oppose gays, but whose regimes have persecuted and murdered homosexuals, because of sexual orientation.

Perhaps Penn should explain his fondness for "Commie Homophobes" who speak Spanish?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rethinking the Fairness Doctrine!

By John W. Lillpop

Based upon a cursory review of the proposed resurrection of the Fairness Doctrine, the notion appears unfair at best, unconstitutional and un-American at worst.

Still, a real Fairness Doctrine could actually help if it included all television and radio broadcasts, print media, Hollywood films, and Internet sites, and further provided that:

*Mainstream media were required to employ the same number of conservative and liberal reporters, editors, and production staff;

*To counter films like W., Hollywood should produce films that highlight the frailties of a Democrat president, such as the sexual perversion that drove President Clinton to commit perjury;

*For every skit in which Tina Fey ridicules Governor Sarah Palin, SNL should run a skit exposing the hypocrisy and muddled thinking of Nancy Pelosi;

*MSNBC should run "Meltdown" to track lies and mistakes by the Obama administration, including a daily countdown of real jobs created by the trillion dollar stimulus, versus jobs lost since the Inauguration;

*For every column in which a liberal columnist confesses to sexual dreams involving President Obama, the New York Times should publish an Ann Coulter column about liberal bias in the media;

*PBS should follow the "Jim Lehrer News Hour" with a live segment of "The Savage Nation;"

*Following 60 Minutes, CBS should run an investigative expose co-hosted by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity;

*ABC should hire Bay Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly to replace two liberals on "The View";

*Spanish-language media should give equal voice to those who advocate secure borders, aggressive enforcement of immigration laws, and mass deportation of illegal aliens;

*Weather Channel should replace half of its global warming believing staff with skeptics who believe climate change is liberal pap, unsubstantiated by real science, and

*Oprah Winfrey should be required to interview Governor Sarah Palin and devote as much time to the conservative dynamo as was lavished on Barack Obama.

If administered fairly (not likely), the fairness doctrine could help dislodge the liberal bias pervasive in television and radio broadcasts, print media, films, and the Internet.

In which case, BRING IT ON!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why Not "Test Drive" the Fairness Doctrine--At the Oscars?

By John W. Lillpop

With liberal heavy weights like former President Bill Clinton and Shreeker of the House Nancy Pelosi clamoring for a return to the Fairness Doctrine, perhaps we who dwell on the right wing side of the universe should open our tiny minds, just a smidgen, to the concept?

After all, fairness is all about balance and the absence of bias, right?

That being the case, why not "test drive" this fairness notion during a major public event where narrow-minded and ill informed folk are known to congregate?

Why not impose a "Fairness Doctrine" on the Academy Awards show scheduled for this Sunday evening in Hollywood?

Just as an experiment to see how it works out, mind you.

With luminaries like Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie in the running for Oscars, there are bound to be several liberal outbursts to 1) Thank goodness for the arrival of the New Age Messiah, Barack Obama, and or 2) Thank goodness for deliverance from former President George W. Bush, a man of low degree with a drink problem.

So when, say, Sean Penn dedicates his Oscar to the memory of Harvey Milk and pronounces the planet "saved" by the grace of BHO, once the wild applause and cheering subside, the stage and microphone would be turned over to Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood.

These stalwart conservatives would proceed to remind Hollywood and the world that, in just over 30 days in office, Barack Hussein Obama has:

*Escalated the war in Afghanistan with a "surge" of young Americans sent in harm's way;

*Signed, without reading, an 1,100 page bill that will drown future generations in red ink, but which includes funding for liberal programs that will do nothing to create jobs or stimulate the economy;

*Decided to close GITMO and reverse other anti-terrorist measures, thereby making America more vulnerable to terrorist attacks;

*Nominated tax cheats and others suspected of felonies to important cabinet posts;

*Promoted the official decline of America into the abyss of Marxism.

And the winner for the most egregious failure by the Obama administration after 30+ days is:

Osama bin Laden is still on the loose!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kooky Cokie Lectures Conservatives About Being Irresponsible

By John W. Lillpop

Kooky Cokie Roberts of ABC believes that conservatives who voted against the $1 trillion dollar stimulus outrage are irresponsible and deserve punishment.

As reported, in part, at Newsbusters:

"ABC's Cokie Roberts denounced as 'irresponsible' conservative opposition to the “stimulus” bill and suggested those who voted against it should be punished, declaring on Sunday's This Week: 'I just think that when you're in a situation like this, to do nothing is so irresponsible that you can't, you can't get away with it.'"

No doubt, Cokie is well intentioned and patriotic in her concerns.

However, Cokie's rage would more appropriate if directed at the Democrats and three Republicans who voted for the bill.

Did you realize, Cokie, that NONE of those who voted for the bill actually read its 1,100 pages? If sufficient time was not available to read the damned bill, the responsible thing would have been to vote NO!

As far as "doing nothing" is concerned, conservatives were blocked from doing anything by hard-core liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Looking for irresponsible? Consider the fact that Democrats took advantage of a national crisis in order to fund liberal projects that will encumber the American people, their children, and their grandchildren, with debt unrelated to job growth or economic stimulus.

Now that is irresponsible!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Obama's State of the Union: He Won, America Lost!

By John W. Lillpop

Would someone please explain to President Obama that being president and commander-in-chief of the greatest nation on earth is NOT quite the same as midnight basketball or a game of HORSE? Or even PORK?

In basketball, one can push, shove and elbow the opposition out of the way in order to achieve one's objective. A dominant center needs to get along with just four teammates, but has no need to compromise or work with opponents.

By way of contrast, running the United States of America involves shared responsibility and authority with two co-equal branches of government. At stake are the lives and well being of 300 million Americans and billions of non-Americans all across the globe.

President Obama has put in nearly three weeks of harrowing incompetence, aggravated by insufferable arrogance. On at least two occasions, the novice president has reminded those who do not agree with him that "I won."

Well of course, you won, President Obama. Unlike many of your fellow Democrats who foolishly claimed that George W. Bush did not win in 2000, Republicans do not deny your electoral triumph.

However, the fact is that all 178 Republicans and 11 Democrats in the U.S. House voted against the stimulus bill. Each and every one was elected or reelected to Congress, and can rightfully claim "I won."

The same holds true for GOP members of the U.S. Senate who have voiced opposition to the recovery bill and whom are likely to vote against the measure on the floor of the Senate. Each and every one won an election to get where they are.

The presidency is not a metaphor for basketball, sir. You were elected to serve as president, not star center!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blue Dogs With Conservative Values Fight Pelosi's Red Ink Fraud!

By John W. Lillpop

Blue Dog Democrats, blessed with conservative values, are helping to coalesce opposition to Nancy Pelosi's fascist rule in the U.S. House and her spending orgy disguised as a "stimulus" for job growth.

As reported, in part, on FoxNews (Reference 1):

"Rep. Jim Cooper, a conservative Democrat from Tennessee, told a liberal radio network on Sunday that the Obama White House encouraged him to defy House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the $819 billion economic stimulus bill.

"Well, I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I actually got some quiet encouragement from the Obama folks for what I’m doing," said Cooper, one of only 11 Democrats to vote against the economic stimulus plan that passed the House last week.

"They know its a messy bill and they wanted a clean bill," he said. "Now, I got in terrible trouble with our leadership because they don’t care what’s in the bill, they just want it to pass and they want it to be unanimous."

"Cooper, whose startling admission came on Liberadio, was one of about 55 House Democrats to sign a letter criticizing Pelosi for suspending debate and committee rules on the fiscal package, politico.com reported.

"They don’t mind the partisan fighting cause that's what they are used to. In fact, they're really good at it — and they’re a little bit worried about what a post-partisan future might look like," Cooper said during the radio interview. "If members actually had to read the bills and figure out whether they are any good or not. We’re just told how to vote. We’re treated like mushrooms most of the time."

"An early supporter of President Obama, Cooper is a member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition of Democrats."

Speaker Pelosi needs to be defanged and be made irrelevant by people who really care about America.

You Go, Blue Dog Democrats!

Reference 1:


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

To Hell With Trillion Dollar Stimulus: Just Force Democrats to Pay Their Taxes!

Satire by John w. Lillpop

As the Obama experiment continues to fall apart, one tax cheat at a time, the American people continue to wait patiently for answers to the worst economic crisis since the great Depression.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and other misguided leftists want to waste a trillion dollars on pet liberal projects that America does not need nor want.

In much the same way that liberals exploit children, so it is that they are using the wretched economy as a ploy for fighting STDs, fund abortions, and other nonsense not even remotely related to the creation of jobs.

However, the recent spate of failed Obama nominations has revealed a viable way to solve our economic mess without wasting taxpayer money: Simply force Democrats to pay their damn taxes!

Get it, Nancy? America don't need no stinkin' stimulus!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rooting for Helen Thomas!

Satire by John W. Lillpop

Helen Thomas of the White House press corps is a staple of American politics. She also sports a face and voice that only a mother could truly love.

Provided said mum happened to be both blind and deaf!

Ms. Thomas has been haunting presidential press conferences for nearly 50 years. Before that, she was Herman Munster on The Adams Family, a role for which she was uniquely qualified because she required no make up.
Even earlier, Thomas was the scare crow in the Wizard of Oz.

Solely because of Helen Thomas, the folks who run Washington, D.C., have been unable to outlaw paper bags, a green fad popular in most other liberal-infested metropolitan cities.

The CIA once planned to make flyers featuring Helen's mug shot with the following inscription in Arabic: "72 Virgins Like This Await You!"

The idea was to drop said flyers on Al-Quaeda training camps in Afghanistan, thereby ending Osama bin Laden's ability to mastermind a respectable Jihad, once and for all.

The plan was scrapped when Madeline Albright threatened to sue the CIA for equal time and her own anti-terror flyer series.

As the oldest living journalist to be on the payroll of both the DNC and UPI at the same time, Thomas sports decades of wear and tear played out on her haggard face.

During the Bush presidency, I perceived Helen Thomas to be arbitrary, petty, biased, combative, disrespectful, and irrelevant. She was clearly anti-Bush, anti-Republican and anti-conservative.

And as ugly as sin to boot!

However, now that the Obama administration is in charge, a major CHANGE seems to overtaken the crusty old journalist.

Mind you, she is still as ugly as the devil.

But her inane questions, now aimed at Robert Gibbs, new White House Press Secretary, seem more measured, more rational, and less offensive.

For the first time ever, I found myself secretly rooting for Thomas to ask the tough, dirty questions, and shouting "Do not pull any punches, Helen!" at the television screen.

Perhaps there is something to that CHANGE stuff after all?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "Dubya Left"?

By John W. Lillpop

Regardless of whether one loves or hates former President George W. Bush, no one can deny the fact that Bush-43 often came across as ill informed, confused, and disengaged when speaking publicly.

W.'s lack of communication skills cost the GOP and America dearly when the president was unable to effectively articulate conservative values on issues like the war on terror, social security reform, and the proper role of FEMA in responding to Katrina.

The fact is that conservatives lost many battles in the war for public opinion even though they were right. W. and a very biased liberal media were both to blame.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to be walking in W.'s steps when it comes to being inarticulate and a liability to her party.

For example, Nancy Pelosi's garbled and illogical defense of hundreds of billions of dollars in the economic stimulus plan for non-stimulating boondoggles has been a rallying point for those who care about this nation's fiscal future.

President Obama should be embarrassed by Pelosi's feeble attempt to make left handed pork sound like a solution for an economy that needs jobs.

Almost single-handed, Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that Democrats are willing to exploit the pain and suffering of the American people in order to fund liberal pet projects, which are unrelated to the creation of jobs or stimulation of anything except the pulses of special interest liberals seeking hand outs.

The major difference between President Bush and Pelosi is that the Speaker advocates positions which are completely wrong for America, and which need to be defeated by any means possible.

One can only hope that Pelosi's garbled presentation will do to the liberal agenda what W.'s did to conservatism!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Discusses Family Planning and Jobs

Satire By John W. Lillpop

This reporter recently caught up with Speaker Nancy Pelosi who graciously agreed to the following interview during which we discussed family planning, abortion, the birth of Octuplets in Southern California, and jobs.

The text of that interview follows:

John Lillpop:

Greetings, Speaker Pelosi. Congratulations on your reelection, greatly expanded majority in the U.S. House, and a liberal Democrat in the White House! Democrats have it all their way these days!

Speaker Pelosi:

Oh, thank you John! I cannot begin to tell you how relieved I am that George W. Bush has finally gotten out of town. I feel sorry for the state of Texas, but what can you do?

John Lillpop:

Speaker Pelosi, the House of Representatives passed an Economic Stimulus bill that will cost American taxpayers close to one trillion dollars. One of the more controversial items in the plan is $350 million dollars for family planning.

George Stephanopolis asked you what that expenditure has to do with creating jobs. Can you elaborate for my readers, and relate it to the birth of the Octuplets in California?

Speaker Pelosi:

Well, to begin with, if those children were born in October--you did say they were Octuplets, right?--I wonder why we are we just now hearing about them?

John Lillpop:

Actually, I believe that Octuplets means there were eight babies born to one woman at the same time, Speaker Pelosi.

Speaker Pelosi:

Eight? I thought someone said 14?

John Lillpop:

Well, the woman already had six at home and with the eight new born she now has 14.

Speaker Pelosi:

She already had six and wanted eight more? What the hell is she, some gap-toothed, Bible thumping, pro-life nut ball?

Where exactly in California is this scam artist from?

John Lillpop:

Let's see...OK, she is from Whittier. Southern California.

Speaker Pelosi:

I knew it, I knew it!

You realize that "Tricky Dick"," that sleazy Republican Quaker felon was from Whittier, right?

John Lillpop:

I am sorry, Madam Speaker. What does Richard Nixon have to do with the eight babies in a hospital in Whittier?

Speaker Pelosi:

The question everyone should be asking is, "Why have those eight right-wing babies been allowed to tie up hospital beds and medical services since October?"

We have tens of millions of illegal aliens from Mexico who need to be hospitalized for all sorts of ailments, most caused by drinking the putrid water down there, or by drinking way too much beer here.

Yet, here we have this English-speaking, self-centered, pro-life conservative who hogs medical facilities desperately needed for the poor and destitute.

It's so sad!

John Lillpop:

I am still not following you, Speaker Pelosi. What do the Octuplets have to do with stimulating the economy and creating jobs?

Speaker Pelosi:

It is as plain as the mole on Obama's face, John.

George Bush trashed the American economy by making the rich even richer. He left progressive Democrats to deal with the most serious downturn since the Great Depression.

Simply put, now is not the time for single mothers to be having Octuplets.

In order to turn the failed Bush economy around, we need a few hundred billion dollars to bail out innocent young ladies who get knocked up before Obama has had time to lead us into the promised land.

Under my plan, that young woman in Whittier would have been forced to go to Planned Parenthood for counseling the moment she realized she was pregnant.

What do you think Planned Parenthood would have counseled? Here you have a single mom already responsible for six rug rats with another eight itching to pop out.

It is really a non-brainer, even for a conservative.

You have to snuff at least six, perhaps seven, of the fetuses and try to keep the mother out of heat for at least the next 10 years.

John Lillpop:

But wouldn't that be state-sponsored murder?

Speaker Pelosi:

Murder? Hell no!

Murder is when you send 5,000 American kids to their deaths in Iraq because your dyslexic alcoholic president is having the DTs and sees weapons of mass destruction that simply do not exist.

THAT is murder!

John Lillpop:

I understand your point, Speaker. The latest news is that the mother in Whittier is bankrupt, or her family is, and she is seeking millions in bail out money from the stimulus funds. How do you feel about that?

Speaker Pelosi:

This is exactly why we are in such trouble in America. That woman needs to take personal responsibility for herself and her offspring.

Supporting 14 bastard kids from a right-wing slut is not the job of the government because it has nothing to do with jobs. Why is that so hard for conservatives to understand?


For Some Obama Cabinet Picks, Greed Trumps Patriotism

By John W. Lillpop

In American politics, higher taxes have become synonymous with the Democrat party, which makes perfect sense since liberals instinctively favor taxes, higher taxes, and more taxes.

To the stereotypical Democrat, higher taxes are always the solution, regardless of how great or complex the problem.

For example, during the presidential campaign last September 18, VP candidate Joe Biden actually claimed that paying higher taxes was the patriotic thing to do.

"We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people," Biden said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Given that mind set, why does the Obama Administration continue to dredge up tax cheats as nominees for important cabinet posts?

First it was Tim Geithner, Obama's choice to serve as Treasury Secretary, who had the burden of explaining how fudging on his own taxes should not disqualify him from running the Internal Revenue Service, the Gestapo agency charged with prosecuting and punishing tax cheats all across America.

Send a thief to catch a thief?

Next, we have Tom Daschle, whom the people of South Dakota decided they could do without; thus, voters sent the former Senate Majority Leader into retirement in 2004.

Not good enough for the people of South Dakota, Daschle was nonetheless good enough to be Obama's nominee as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), a position that would place health care for the entire nation in the hands of the failed former senator.

Unfortunately for the inexperienced president and his HHS nominee, the tax donkey struck again! As it turns out, Daschle received a free car and chauffeur service, which he used for years without declaring said gifts as income.

Send a non-doctor cheat to fix a health care system corrupted by greedy doctors?

The big question: Just why have Messrs. Geithner and Daschle ignored Joe Biden's clarion call to do the "patriotic thing" by paying higher taxes?

Could it be that, at least for some Democrats, greed trumps patriotism?