By John Kakistos Lillpop
According to the Los Angeles Times, thousands of angry protesters gathered outside a Mormon Temple in Los Angeles to vent their rage over passage of Proposition 8.
Surprisingly, there were no reports of similar protests at the offices of Barack Obama, the NAACP, or La Raza.
After all, Obama has said that he opposes gay marriage. Yes, he spoke out against Prop. 8 with the politically correct excuse that it "was unnecessary."
However, those parsed, weasel words do not change a vital fact that gay activists refuse to face:
The most liberal candidate ever elected to the presidency opposes same sex-marriage!
Apparently the "civil rights" argument does not wash with America's first African-American president-elect.
In addition, 70 percent of African-Americans voted for Prop, 8 and a majority of Latinos did the same.
Why are angry gay activists not camped out at headquarters for the NAACP and La Raza?