John W. Lillpop
American citizens are generally aware of the fact that eating at McDonald's can pose a serious risk to one's health owing to the salt, fat, sugar, and carbohydrate content of food prepared there.
But how many Americans realize that dining under the Golden Arches might also expose one to ID theft and financial ruin?
That may sound far-fetched, until one considers the news coming out of a Las Vegas courtroom recently.
Two executives and the corporate owner of 11 northern Nevada McDonald's restaurants pleaded guilty to felony immigration charges and agreed to pay $1 million in fines.
Company directors Joe Gillespie of Sparks and former vice president Jimmy Moore allegedly hired illegal aliens to flip Big Macs and scoop out greasy, salt-laden French fires.
That crime was bad enough, but Gillespie and Moore went the extra mile by providing invading criminals with false identities and social security numbers belonging to Americans!
In addition to the fact that Gillespie and Moore are now convicted felons and McDonald's checking account is a cool $1,000,000.00 lighter, there is more good news: Most of the illegal aliens have been kicked out of America, sent home to their third world nations of origin!
This bizarre episode simply begs for a new McDonald's motto: How about,
"Try a Spicy McDonald's Taco, With Extra Salsa--to Go!"