By John W. Lillpop
Diversity is the undisputed Holy Grail of the left especially in hiring practices. It trumps experience, talent, work skills, and all other objective measurements of qualifications, at least in the muddled minds of liberals.
Why, then, does President Obama continue to hire journalists only from the left side of the universe?
As reported at, in part:
"Daren Briscoe, a Newsweek correspondent who was embedded with Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, has taken a job with the Obama administration, according to an email sent to a lists of his classmates at the Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism.
"The email, written by Time reporter and fellow Columbia grad Jay Newton-Small, said Briscoe would be serving as deputy associate director of public affairs for the Office of National Drug Control Policy as of Monday.
"Despite his multiple basketball games with our commander-in-chief, he always brought a skeptical eye to his work and in conversations about the candidate," Newton-Small wrote the email. "
By looking only to the left, President Obama is overlooking some very talented journalists whose perspective is more conservative.
A partial list of conservative luminaries includes:
Jonah Goldberg
Joseph Farah
Judi Mcleod
Rich Lowry
Pat Buchanan
Tony Blankley
Charles Krauthammer
Ann Coulter
Michelle Malkin
Adding any one of these professionals would provide Obama with some much needed fairness and balance in an administration dominated by left wing hillbillies like Robert Gibbs.
Hell, some of the younger conservatives (like Michelle Malkin) might even agree to shoot hoops with Obama and, regardless of the outcome, would be objectively to the right.
After all, Mr. President, "diversity is our greatest strength," is it not?
Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Can Obama's "Suds Diplomacy" Heal the Gates-Crowley Row?

By John W. Lillpop
In handling the Professor Gates arrest crisis, President Barack Obama is showing that he is indeed the master of CHANGE, although not always for the good.
After shooting himself in the feet by labeling the Cambridge Police as "stupid" for actually enforcing the law, the president decided to extinguish the national firestorm that he ignited by applying a shot or so of his fabled diplomacy to the situation.
As reported, in part, at the Huffingtonpost, Obama has invited Professor Henry Gates and police sergeant James Crowley to meet at the White House for round one of "suds diplomacy," which may be the most potent tool in the president's racial healing bag:
"There are several reports that the beer diplomacy between President Obama, Cambridge police sergeant James Crowley and Henry Louis Gates Jr. will take place on Thursday.
"The Boston Globe reports: Charles Ogletree, one of Gates's lawyers, tells the Globe that the meeting will be on Thursday and that both Crowley and Gates can bring family members. The White House would not immediately confirm those details."
"When President Obama said last week that the whole incident involving Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge police department could be worked out over a beer at the White House, he wasn't speaking figuratively. CNN is reporting today that the White House has confirmed that the president is to meet with the two men this week to do just that.
"As Press Secretary Robert Gibbs explained on "Fox News Sunday," "the president believes this can be a teachable moment." And what better way to begin putting things in perspective in the dog days of summer than to serve a cold beer.
"As for drink orders, CNN says Obama will be having a Bud and Crowley a Blue Moon. No word yet on Gates' beverage of choice."
BREAKING NEWS: This reporter has learned that Professor Gates will order "sour grapes" as his drink of choice, a most appropriate selection given the professor's radical views.
Meanwhile, the White House has announced that President Obama has started work on a new book titled, "The Audacity of Booze: Inspired Teaching Methods for Post-Racial America," with release scheduled for November.
A steal at $75 a copy for registered Democrats, $3,240 for Republicans.
Sgt. Crowley is not being left out in the cold, either.
The arresting office is reportedly considering a multiple million-dollar offer to be the "tell all" writer of a scathing documentary, titled "How an Innocent Irish Cop Was Driven to Alcoholism by the US President," a 90-minute special scheduled for release as soon as an innocent Irish cop can be located for the lead!
Now, just who was it that said that Barack Obama is a naive, inexperienced community organizer?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Should Citizens Be Forced Into HMOs In order to Cover Illegal Aliens?
By John W. Lillpop
Have liberals lost their collective minds? Perhaps the thrill of having unchecked power has made Democrats oblivious to common sense and reasonable thought?
Whatever the cause, most Democrats, including President Obama, seem intoxicated by their own press clippings and intent on pushing liberal insanity to the max.
For instance, the grotesque health care reform bill in the US House would force hundreds of millions of American citizens into inferior, HMO-type health care in order to cover tens of millions of illegal aliens.
Illegal aliens who have no right to even be in America, much less cared for at the expense of American citizens!
How in the hell can such idiotic thinking originate with any party other than the Communist Party of the United States (CPUS)?
Even more profound, why in the hell is the president of the United States supporting such reform at a time when the national economy is in free fall and the national deficit has exploded as a result of his reckless spending mistakes?
If President Obama and his leftist supporters really cared about American citizens, they would secure our borders and deport every last illegal alien.
To provide health care benefits to invading criminals would be utterly stupid, and would only invite another 20 million or so to invade and our nation.
Wake up President Obama and liberals everywhere: We don't need no stinkin' health care for illegal aliens!
Kick illegal aliens out and focus on protecting and meeting the needs of American citizens, or face deportation from elective office at the hands of American citizens!
Have liberals lost their collective minds? Perhaps the thrill of having unchecked power has made Democrats oblivious to common sense and reasonable thought?
Whatever the cause, most Democrats, including President Obama, seem intoxicated by their own press clippings and intent on pushing liberal insanity to the max.
For instance, the grotesque health care reform bill in the US House would force hundreds of millions of American citizens into inferior, HMO-type health care in order to cover tens of millions of illegal aliens.
Illegal aliens who have no right to even be in America, much less cared for at the expense of American citizens!
How in the hell can such idiotic thinking originate with any party other than the Communist Party of the United States (CPUS)?
Even more profound, why in the hell is the president of the United States supporting such reform at a time when the national economy is in free fall and the national deficit has exploded as a result of his reckless spending mistakes?
If President Obama and his leftist supporters really cared about American citizens, they would secure our borders and deport every last illegal alien.
To provide health care benefits to invading criminals would be utterly stupid, and would only invite another 20 million or so to invade and our nation.
Wake up President Obama and liberals everywhere: We don't need no stinkin' health care for illegal aliens!
Kick illegal aliens out and focus on protecting and meeting the needs of American citizens, or face deportation from elective office at the hands of American citizens!
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