Right-wing and Right On! commentary from the pugnacious and disagreeable mind of the Pop of Lill, John W. Satire included at no extra cost.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Wedding of Brats Aged 5 and 7 Halted: SF Mayor to Rescue?

Satire By John W. Lillpop

SAN FRANCISCO (LIL) -- A Muslim cleric in Pakistan was poised to give Allah's blessings to Mohammad Waseem, seven years old, and his bride Nishain Karachi, five, who were about to be joined in eternal marital bliss, or until they reached puberty, whichever came first.

However, it all came tumbling down when party pooping police raided the ceremony and arrested the Muslim cleric and the parents of the two children

Television footage showed both children in traditional wedding clothes in the laps of policemen after the raid – the girl with tears running down her cheeks.


There you go! Even as young as five years old, females hate to let go once they get their hooks locked into an available male!

Pakistan law forbids marriage below the age of 18, a law that Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco described as "discriminatory, damnable, and damaging" to the civil rights of seven year old boys and five year old girls all across the globe.

Mayor Newsom immediately sent a text message to the young victims of Pakistan's archaic laws and invited the children, their parents, and the 100 wedding guests to visit San Francisco where he, the mayor, would be honored to marry the brats on the steps of San Francisco City Hall.

"Love must never be denied because of intolerant laws and bigoted minds," said Newsom, who added that gay weddings are terrific, but limited by the small population of gay lovers, estimated at 10 percent in the general population, and 70-90 percent in this din of inequity.

Apparently, the volume of gay marriages has petered out since the California Supreme Court legalized same sex weddings last June.

That has cut into Newsom's bottom line which is why he is willing to marry the young Pakistanis.

Da Mayor needs the $30.00 wedding fee, and said he may have to start accepting straight weddings if things don't pick up real soon!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Brother Barack: Why Not "Spread the Wealth" Among Kin?

Analysis By John W. Lillpop

While Barack Obama harasses working class Americans like Joe the Plumber about the Marxist need to "spread the wealth," the Messiah conveniently ignores a hideous wealth schism within the Obama clan itself.

Barack and Michelle Obama, for example, while away the hours in elitist comfort in their lovely Mansion, the purchase of which involved corrupt thug Tony Rizzo, reportedly working in concert with that other world renowned Hussein, Saddam the


Meanwhile, Obama's younger brother lives in Kenya in a run down shack that would not be good enough for a servant's bathroom in Michelle's palatial digs in Illinois.

The young Kenyan eats mud for lunch-- on good days, when there is mud left over from the previous meal!

Say, Barack, why not lead by example when it comes to redistribution? You and Michelle move to Kenya into your brother's digs, and let him move into your Illinois mansion?

That would be fair and balanced, and would prove your genuine commitment to equality and family!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ashley Todd: Covert ACORN Operative?

Satire by John W. Lillpop

As Americans strive to recover from the devastating fraud perpetrated by Ashley Todd, a new unconfirmed report is about to explode.

It is being whispered about that Ashley Todd is, in fact, an Obama operative and ACORN director whose job it was to create a major distraction for a few days to cover up important news concerning Obama's fraudulent birth certificate.

Todd was also charged with diverting media coverage away from Joe the Plumber and his pesky bitching about Obama's communist plans for America.

The distraction worked beautifully, as mainstream media have been obsessed with the Ashley Todd hoax.

Media have even spinned the hoax as an ineloquent attempt by a psychotic racist to humiliate black men, that being Obama and Todd's alleged assailant who writes upside down and backwards when carving the letter "B" into an already repulsive face.

As of now, no mainstream media have had the guts to report that Todd's scheme was pre-planned to make it appear as though she were a demented surrogate for the McCain campaign.

Meanwhile, Obama is struggling silently to cover up legal appearances and Motions to Dismiss filed on his behalf. With the aid and comfort of the liberal media, Obama is finding that no lie is too huge or insidious to hide.

In another vile twist to this vile story, seasoned journalists are claiming that the Todd fraud should have been immediately recognized as such based on one outstanding fact:

Obama anarchists have been instructed to use guns, not knives.

Good point!

Consider, please: In order to counter his public image as a wuss, a bloke without the cojones that any American president must have to gain and maintain the upper hand against blood thirsty terrorists and brutal dictators, Barack Obama issued the following call to arms last June:

"If they (Republicans) bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said, according to pool reports."


Clearly, the Messiah wants guns, not knives, to be used against Republicans!

Sorry, Ashley, but it appears as though you are just not devious enough to lie for Obama and ACORN!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Dewey Defeats Truman," Harbinger of 2008?

By John W. Lillpop

Sixty years ago, America held a presidential election that most pundits forecast as a win for Thomas E. Dewey over Harry S. Truman who ascended to the presidency when Franklin Roosevelt died in 1945.

Even back then, the media could not be trusted to do their jobs by reporting the news. So it was that the first edition of the Chicago Tribune on November 3, 1948 blared that, "Dewey Defeats Truman," which is still noteworthy because it was exactly backwards from the actual results.

Tribune reporter Arthur Sears Henning also reported that the Republicans had captured both the House and the Senate and could be counted on to have their way with the minority-party Democrats. That was also dead wrong.

Here in 2008, the mainstream media has all but declared, "Obama Defeats McCain," two weeks before most voting even starts. Doom and gloom is also forecast for Republican fortunes in the U.S. Congress.

Is lightning about to strike again? Has the media, in cahoots with Obama and the left, jumped the gun, ALA 1948? Is Barack Obama the 2008 version of Thomas E. Dewey?

Will Republicans have the last, and most gratifying, laugh two weeks hence?

Ta-ta Tutu, Or Aloha to White House? Why Is Obama Oahu-bound?

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama would have the world believe that, as we enter the last days of the historical presidential campaign, he has decided to stop campaigning in order to visit his ailing grand mother in Hawaii.

Duh, curious given the fact that he was just there in August.

There is another possibility. Namely, answering the Supreme Court Petition by ANDY MARTIN, found at the link below, which challenges the Messiah's birth certificate and eligibility for the U.S. Presidency.

Aloha to the presidency? One can only hope and pray!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber Versus Obama the Elitist

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama's exchange with "Joe the plumber" has been well chronicled in the media. However, Barack Obama and the Marxists who support him in the Democrat Party do not really understand Joe's message.

Given the opportunity to speak more expansively, Joe the plumber would probably say something like the following:

"Senator Obama, I do not believe that you fully understand my point.

You see, most Americans come from families of very modest means. Very few 'average' Americans can afford a Harvard education and all of the financial and social benefits that come to people who can afford a world class education.

While you and your lovely wife are well educated lawyers who have no concerns about paying the mortgage or feeding your family or educating your children, that is not our world.

We must work long and hard for everything just to survive.

Our world requires sacrifice and more sacrifice just to buy a home, provide for our children, plan for their education, and pay the local, state, and federal taxes we are already burdened with.

Our world requires working on tedious and boring jobs just to make ends meet each month.

Despite the drudgery of just surviving, we have made the sacrifices required.

We have secured the vocational training needed to do our work. We give our employers an honest day of labor for an honest wage.

Through grit and non-ending sacrifice, we have improved ourselves and the prospects for a better future for our children.

Through hard work and sacrifice, we have achieved a very modest amount of "wealth."

Now you, a millionaire attorney who lives in a large mansion, want to redistribute our 'wealth' at your discretion?

With all respect, senator, not only do you not understand average Americans, you simply do not understand why America is the greatest nation in human history.

If you are elected president, senator, before rushing to convert America into a socialist nation, please answer the following question, honestly, to your own satisfaction:

Why has socialism failed in every nation in which it has been attempted?

Thank you."

All Americans should ask themselves that same question before turning this great nation over to a confirmed Marxist.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Force George Bush to Deliver State of Union Before He Skips Town!

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Unprecedented, it would be.

Nevertheless, think about it: Why should John McCain or Barack Obama be forced to stand before the U.S. Congress, the nation, and the world next January to explain the dreadful mess that George W. Bush has created?

After all, giving the 2009 State of the Union message is bound to be a lose-lose proposition for whomever it falls on to deliver said oratory.

On one hand, standing before the world and declaring that the "State of the Union is good," would be farcical, but all too typical of Bush.

On the other hand, telling the truth by saying the "State of the Union is dismal," could cause additional panic and dismay, neither of which will help alleviate the situation.

Since accountability and personal responsibility are making a come back, why not prop the hapless George W. Bush up one last time and let him accept blame for the financial meltdown, rampant home foreclosures, the never ending Iraq war, open borders and out of control illegal immigration, revitalization of Russia and communism there, and China's ascent as a global power?

Moreover, since W is widely recognized as a fanatical baseball fan, let him include a weepy statement of compassion for fans of the Chicago Cubs, poor souls that have been denied a world championship for the 100th consecutive year.

100, and counting.

"Wait until next year," W could plea in a message intended for jilted Cub fans, but which would be equally applicable to anyone with a spiritual or financial stake in America.

To conclude his presidency, at high noon on January 20, W should ride out of town on a blind donkey, symbolic of his vision less incompetence and closeted fondness for the Democrat party.

Once W has moved his blind ass beyond the Washington, D.C. city limits, President McCain or President Obama would get the key to the White House.

America would then begin the long, tortured journey away from the miserable legacy left by the "Worst president in U.S. history."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Ayers" of His Way Come Back to Haunt Barack Obama

By John W. Lillpop

William Ayers is not the sort of fellow that any patriotic, mainstream American would willingly choose as a friend.

In fact, given the choice, most Americans would not even associate with his type.

From Wikipedia, this profile:

"Ayers became involved in the New Left and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). He rose to national prominence as an SDS leader in 1968 and 1969. As head of an SDS regional group, the "Jesse James Gang", Ayers made decisive contributions to the Weatherman orientation toward militancy. The group Ayers headed in Detroit, Michigan became one of the earliest gatherings of what became the Weatherman. Between the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the June 1969 SDS convention, Ayers became a prominent leader of the group, which arose as a result of a schism in SDS.

"During that time his infatuation with street fighting grew and he developed a language of confrontational militancy that became more and more pronounced over the year [1969],' disaffected former Weatherman member Cathy Wilkerson wrote in 2001. Ayers had previously become a roommate of Terry Robbins, a fellow militant, Wilkerson wrote. Robbins would later be killed while making a bomb. In June 1969, the Weatherman took control of the SDS at its national convention, where Ayers was elected Education Secretary. Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to riot police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot confrontation between labor supporters and the police.

"In 1970 he 'went underground' with several associates after the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, in which Weatherman member Ted Gold, Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton, were killed when a nail bomb (an anti-personnel device) they were assembling exploded. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him. Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and The Pentagon in 1972."

Reading about William Ayers automatically conjures up images of Osama bin Laden and other brutal terrorists intent on destroying America.

Affiliating with such a person is not what one would normally expect to find in the dossier of a serious candidate for the presidency of the United States. Yet that is precisely the case with Barack Obama.

Of course, Obama now denies knowing anything about Ayers' background and claims that he barely knew the terrorist.

However, the Republican Party has documented the Obama-Ayers relationship thoroughly, a document that can be viewed at the link below:


In addition, from the Weekly Standard, this report about CNN's review of the Obama-Ayers relationship:

"CNN's Drew Griffin reports that Obama and Ayers funded niche lefty causes and Jeremiah Wright's church. And a number of sources who attended Obama's coming out party hosted by Ayers in 1995 dispute the Obama camp's portrayal of that meeting:
Obama campaign representative Anita Dunn: A Democratic state senator organizes a meeting of her supporters at the house of another one of her supporters. ... It is the worst kind of inference and the worst kind of politics to say that that says something about Barack Obama....

CNN reporter Drew Griffin: What I can tell you from two people who were actually there is that, number one, former [Democratic] state senator Alice Palmer says she in no way organized this meeting. She was invited and attended it briefly.

Dr. Quentin Young, a retired doctor, told us this indeed was Barack Obama's political coming out party, and it was hosted by Bill Ayers."


As much as Barack Obama and his minions would like to close their eyes and wish William Ayers away, the domestic terrorist is here to stay, and his presence in the life of the man who would be 44th President of the United States must be thoroughly investigated by responsible journalists, and explained by Obama himself.

Why did Obama affiliate with Ayers to begin with, and why did he deliberately lie about that affiliation?

Of course the larger question that the American people are owed a reasonable answer for is:

Why should anyone vote for a presidential candidate whose "coming out party" in politics was hosted by an Osama bin Laden-like terrorist?

Another nagging question: Why have mainstream tigers like Charles Gibson, Katie Couric, and others worked 24/7 to "expose" Governor Palin, while ignoring Barack Obama's frightening affiliation with William Ayers?